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Jennifer Lopez Recalls Scary On-Set Moment with Constance Wu in ‘Hustlers’

When you’re filming a movie, things can get a little intense.

Just ask Jennifer Lopez, who recently shared a funny yet nerve-wracking incident involving her co-star Constance Wu on the set of “Hustlers.”

It turns out that while Lopez was trying to embody her role, she ended up causing an unexpected mishap that left her worried about Wu’s safety.

Lopez, known for her dedication to her craft, took her role as a seasoned stripper quite seriously.

As she guided Wu’s character through the film’s gritty narrative, there was instant chemistry between the two.

Lopez immediately took it upon herself to mentor Wu both in front of the camera and behind the scenes, creating a bond that felt like family.

In her own words, Lopez embraced Wu right from their first meeting.

“The minute I saw Constance, I put my arms out and took her under my wing,” she recounted.

This moment wasn’t just a gesture; it set the tone for their entire working relationship.

They developed a strong “big sister/little sister” dynamic that resonated throughout the production, according to director Lorene Scafaria.

Despite their close connection, the filming process was not without its challenges.

Lopez recalled a particular scene that showcased Wu’s resilience.

In the heat of the moment, when Lopez instructed Wu to hang up a phone, things went sideways.

“I knew she was a gangster when we were doing this scene,” Lopez said, hinting at Wu’s fierce spirit.

What followed was an unexpected turn.

As they engaged in a playful tussle, Lopez accidentally punched Wu in the face.

“I was like, ‘Pow!’ And she started fighting more than me,” Lopez described, laughing at the memory.

However, the laughter quickly turned to concern when a prop phone hit Wu in the nose, leaving Lopez fearing that she had caused serious harm.

“I was so nervous, I thought I broke her nose,” Lopez admitted, recalling the panic that ensued.

Thankfully, Wu emerged from the incident with nothing more than a small cut, showcasing her toughness and ability to roll with the punches—literally.

In a separate interview, Wu expressed just how much she enjoyed working alongside Lopez.

Contrary to rumors about diva behavior on set, Wu praised Lopez for being down-to-earth.

“It was the most peaceful set I’ve ever been on,” Wu remarked, highlighting Lopez’s incredible supportiveness and genuine nature.

While some tension surrounded their roles, particularly regarding billing, Wu clarified that she never demanded top billing over Lopez.

Instead, she explained that this misconception stemmed from team members reaching out to journalists without her input.

“I wasn’t demanding anything,” she stated, pushing back against the narrative.

Wu also took the opportunity to address broader issues in Hollywood regarding the portrayal of women.

She pointed out that media narratives often pit women against each other, which only perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

“When we are not unified, it helps the patriarchy stay in power,” she explained, emphasizing the need for solidarity among women in the industry.

Reflecting on their time working together, Wu noted that “Hustlers” was different.

The camaraderie amongst the female cast was palpable, as they collectively owned their space without vying for attention.

“It was our table,” she affirmed, pointing out the men in the film barely had names compared to the strong presence of the female leads.

Through their experiences, both Lopez and Wu have demonstrated how collaboration and mutual support can lead to powerful storytelling, ultimately redefining relationships in Hollywood.

Their journey in “Hustlers” is more than a film; it’s a testament to the strength found in unity.

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