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Alleged Victim Claims Kevin Spacey Engaged in s**ual Acts While He Slept, Reveals U.K. Jury

A man has come forward accusing Kevin Spacey of s**ually assaulting him while he was asleep at the actor’s residence in London, as disclosed to the jury overseeing Spacey’s ongoing criminal trial.

During the third week of the proceedings held at Southwark Crown Court, where Spacey is confronting 12 charges stemming from four separate individuals, the jurors were presented with a video recording of a police interview conducted in 2007.

The final alleged victim recounted an incident that allegedly transpired in the summer of 2008.

In the recorded statement, the individual narrated his initial encounter with Spacey after participating in a program organized by the actor for aspiring talents at the Old Vic Theatre, where Spacey served as the artistic director from 2004 to 2015.

Despite limited interaction with the Oscar winner during that period, he shared that he reached out to Spacey via a letter seeking guidance and mentorship.

To his surprise, Spacey contacted him directly a few weeks later, proposing a meeting near Waterloo at 11 p.m.

The individual claimed that the brief stroll led them to Spacey’s apartment, where they consumed alcohol and cannabis provided by the actor.

After expressing gratitude for Spacey’s initiative at The Old Vic and discussing his professional progress, the accuser stated that Spacey made unwelcome advances by attempting to hug and touch him inappropriately on the sofa.

Despite trying to divert the conversation to other topics, such as work experiences and a model railway in the room, Spacey appeared disinterested.

Subsequently, the individual suggested going to the balcony for a smoke, but Spacey declined, insinuating there would be another opportunity later on.

Following this exchange, the accuser reported falling asleep on the sofa, an action he deemed unusual for himself.

Upon awakening several hours later, he purportedly discovered Spacey engaged in s**ual conduct without his consent.

The accuser emotionally recounted to the authorities that he was unsure of the duration of the assault and whether ejaculation had occurred.

After rebuffing Spacey’s actions and instructing him to cease, the accuser alleged that Spacey advised him to leave discreetly and refrain from disclosing the incident to anyone.

Feeling distraught, the accuser departed the premises, found solace at a nearby bus stop where he shed tears, and experienced emotional distress the subsequent day, hindering his ability to attend work.

For an extended period, the accuser harbored reservations about divulging the encounter at Spacey’s residence, attributing it to a blow to his self-perception and contemplating potential culpability in the situation.

However, spurred by the public allegations against Spacey amid the #MeToo movement, the accuser eventually found the courage to address the incident publicly.

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