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Alleged Victim of Kevin Spacey Discloses Waking Up to Actor’s s**ual Assault

In a U.K. court session today, it was revealed that one of Kevin Spacey’s alleged victims woke up in the actor’s residence to discover Spacey s**ually assaulting him.

The fourth and final accuser shared his testimony on Monday morning through a pre-recorded police interview video before appearing in court to respond to inquiries from barristers Christine Agney KC and Patrick Gibbs KC representing the Crown Prosecution Service and Spacey, respectively.

Spacey observed the proceedings from a glass box-shaped dock at the center of the room.

While the actor mostly remained impassive, he occasionally smirked while watching the interview video.

Notably, during Gibbs’ cross-examination of the alleged victim, Spacey displayed more interest and frequently leaned forward in his seat.

According to the video testimony, the victim, whose identity is protected by law, first encountered Spacey as an aspiring actor during an audition for a show produced by Spacey in 2008.

A few months later, the man reached out to Spacey via a letter, seeking mentorship over coffee.

Despite initial skepticism about the legitimacy of Spacey’s subsequent call inviting him for a drink, the complainant felt awestruck and agreed to meet Spacey at Waterloo station in London.

Upon reuniting later that day, Spacey had his dog with him as they strolled away from the station towards Spacey’s apartment.

The complainant found it odd that they were heading towards a residential area instead of local establishments.

Once inside Spacey’s residence, the man was offered a beer, and they conversed while consuming pizza and smoking a joint.

However, the complainant sensed Spacey’s reluctance to discuss his career aspirations.

During their interaction, Spacey unexpectedly hugged the man and proceeded to place his head in the man’s lap, engaging in unwelcome physical contact.

Despite trying to divert Spacey’s actions by discussing unrelated topics, the man found himself in an uncomfortable situation but hesitated to leave due to Spacey’s powerful influence in the industry.

Subsequently, the complainant drifted off to sleep, which he deemed uncharacteristic of his behavior.

Upon waking up, he discovered Spacey performing oral s** on him.

Despite voicing his objections, Spacey persisted until the man physically pushed him away.

Spacey then escorted the man to the door, signaling for him to depart swiftly and to keep the encounter confidential.

After leaving Spacey’s residence and reflecting on the distressing incident, the complainant expressed his emotions at a nearby bus stop before returning home.

Following this traumatic encounter, the man disclosed that he did not maintain any contact with Spacey.

During the court proceedings, Spacey’s legal counsel highlighted inconsistencies in the alleged victim’s account, suggesting discrepancies in the timing of events and communication records.

Furthermore, the defense emphasized the complainant’s financial challenges attributed to a gambling habit and his interactions with various media outlets and a lawyer representing other individuals accusing Spacey.

Despite acknowledging a prior gambling issue and borrowing money, the man clarified that his actions were driven by financial mismanagement rather than ulterior motives.

He emphasized seeking justice and condemning Spacey’s reprehensible conduct.

The legal battle continues to unfold as the case progresses.

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