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Robin Williams’ Wife Reveals Actor’s Struggle with Delusions and Paranoia Before Death

The late actor Robin Williams reportedly battled delusional fears and paranoia in the days leading up to his passing, as stated by his widow, Susan Williams.

Recalling their encounter at a store and subsequent participation in a 12-step program together, Susan shared how both had sought rehabilitation for substance abuse issues.

During an emotional account, Susan unveiled her husband’s harrowing experience living through what she described as a “nightmare” due to Lewy Body Dementia, a condition he was diagnosed with prior to his tragic death in August 2014.

Just three months before, he had also received a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.

Contrary to common belief, Susan emphasized that it was not depression that ultimately claimed Robin’s life but rather the degenerative brain disorder characterized by symptoms like rigidity in limbs, tremors, cognitive decline, and disorientation.

Susan delved deeper into the years preceding his demise, detailing the emergence of various distressing symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, visual disturbances, anxiety, mental confusion, and paranoia that manifested as early as 2013.

In 2014, Susan recounted how Robin began experiencing episodes of persistent paranoia, lasting up to two days.

One incident highlighted by Susan involved a birthday celebration for their mutual friend, comedian Mort Sahl, which culminated in Robin’s relentless conviction that Mort was in peril.

Describing a night fraught with turmoil, Susan vividly narrated how Robin battled looping paranoia, likening it to a broken record incessantly playing in his mind.

Despite their efforts to quell his apprehensions, the ordeal persisted until the early hours of the morning, with Robin contemplating rushing to Mort’s residence to ensure his safety.

Tragically, Robin was discovered deceased in his residence later that same month.

Susan disclosed that she had been unaware of the extent of her husband’s inner turmoil in the days preceding the tragedy.

Reflecting on the events, Susan revealed that Robin had concealed his ongoing struggles with delusions and paranoia from her, resorting to clandestine communications with others instead of confiding in her about his mental anguish.

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