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Intimate Revelations: Matthew McConaughey’s Mother Recounts Husband’s Unexpected Passing

Matthew McConaughey’s mother, Mary Kathlene McCabe, opens up about the unexpected death of her husband, James Donald McConaughey, in a candid conversation.

In an exclusive preview of the upcoming episode of “Red Table Talk” on USA TODAY, McCabe joins her son to share the details surrounding her husband’s passing in a moment of intimacy.

Recalling the heartbreaking incident, she reveals, “My husband passed away while we were making love.

I vividly remember joking with him in that moment, asking if I wore him out.

To my dismay, there was no response, and I felt a sense of dread creeping in.”

McCabe recalls frantically seeking assistance from a neighbor across the street as she sensed something was amiss but was unaware of the severity of the situation.

Describing the poignant revelation, she recounts, “I rushed to the neighbor, desperately expressing that something was terribly wrong.

Little did I know how grave the situation had become.”

The anticipated episode of “Red Table Talk” is set to debut on Facebook Watch at noon EDT, shedding light on this deeply personal aspect of McConaugaughey’s family history.

In his memoir “Greenlights,” McConaughey discloses the circumstances of his father’s demise, highlighting his father’s declaration that he would pass away while being intimate with his wife.

Detailing the event, the actor shares, “He had always joked with us, saying, ‘Boys, when I depart, it will be while making love to your mother.’

True to his word, he suffered a heart attack during that moment of passion.”

McConaughey delves into various profound moments shared between his parents in the book, such as a violent altercation that culminated in a loving reunion and his mother’s undisclosed separations during supposed vacations.

Reflecting on the impact of his father’s untimely death on his life, the actor expresses how the absence of his larger-than-life father propelled him into adulthood, realizing he no longer had a shield to protect him.

In an interview with USA TODAY prior to the publication of his book, McConaughey shared, “Writing this memoir was a cathartic experience for me.

It allowed me to revisit the love and bond my parents shared, the love they had for each other and for us.”

The forthcoming installment of “Red Table Talk: The Estefans” features another exclusive revelation, with Rosie O’Donnell disclosing that she was in a

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