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**Courtney Stodden Shares Shocking Details of Her Unsettling Relationship with Father**

Courtney Stodden has recently disclosed a disturbing incident involving her father, alleging that he once attempted to flirt with her.

The reality TV personality revealed that during a dinner invitation, she noticed her estranged dad, Alex, eyeing her in a flirtatious manner.

This unsettling encounter left Courtney feeling perplexed and uncomfortable.

In a candid conversation on the Hollywood Pipeline Podcast, Courtney recounted the bizarre incident where her father failed to recognize her due to a recent change in her hair color.

She expressed her shock as she narrated how her father, upon seeing her, greeted her with a suggestive smile, indicating a flirtatious intent.

This revelation left Courtney deeply unsettled, highlighting the strained nature of her relationship with her father.

Courtney’s tumultuous romantic history has been equally dramatic.

At the age of 16, she made headlines by marrying actor Doug Hutchison, who was 59 at the time.

Despite the significant age gap and subsequent separation in 2016, Courtney still harbors affection for Doug.

Their complex relationship has been marked by challenges, including periods of discord and emotional turmoil.

The unresolved issues extend beyond her romantic life to her familial relationships, particularly with her father.

Courtney shared that her father harbors resentment towards her, feeling replaced after her marriage to Doug.

The breakdown of her parents’ marriage further exacerbated the tension between Courtney and her father, leading to a breakdown in communication and a loss of cherished memories.

Amidst the family discord, Courtney expressed a sense of isolation, revealing that she has become estranged from other relatives.

The fallout from her public life and personal choices has created rifts within her family, leaving Courtney feeling abandoned and misunderstood.

Despite attempts to reach out to her cousins for reconciliation, Courtney has faced rejection and indifference, attributing it to the ongoing drama with her father.

Currently in a relationship with her manager, Chris Sheng, Courtney’s mother, Krista, initially supported her marriage to Doug, emphasizing the importance of love over age.

Krista, who is the same age as Doug, highlighted the genuine connection and affection between Courtney and Doug, which transcended societal norms.

She emphasized Doug’s character and faith as defining factors in accepting him as part of their family.

Reflecting on her past experiences and the tumultuous events that have shaped her life, Courtney remains resilient despite the challenges she has faced.

Her journey, marked by highs and lows, has instilled in her a sense of perseverance and determination.

As she navigates through complex relationships and personal struggles, Courtney’s story serves as a testament to resilience and the enduring power of self-belief.

I have rephrased the original article into a new unique piece while maintaining the essence of the story.

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