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Mariah Carey Opens Up About Living with Bipolar Disorder

In a recent interview, Mariah Carey made a candid revelation about her battle with bipolar disorder.

The renowned singer, known for being one of the best-selling artists in history, disclosed that she received her diagnosis in 2001 and decided to seek treatment following what she described as a challenging period in her life.

Speaking to PEOPLE, Carey shared, “For a long time, I was living in denial and seclusion, always dreading the exposure of my condition.

It became an unbearable weight that I couldn’t carry any longer.

I eventually sought help, surrounded myself with positive influences, and returned to my passion for creating music.”

Despite achieving remarkable success with 18 number one hits in the US and over 200 million records sold worldwide, Carey continues to manage her bipolar II disorder through therapy and medication.

This particular type of bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating episodes of depression and hypomania.

Expressing her current state, Carey mentioned, “I am currently on a medication regimen that seems to be effective without causing excessive fatigue or lethargy.

Achieving a harmonious balance is crucial for me.”

Initially attributing her symptoms to a severe sleep disorder, Carey later realized she was experiencing manic episodes due to her overwhelming work commitments.

She described feeling irritable, anxious about meeting expectations, and ultimately hitting a breaking point during periods of depression marked by profound loneliness and sadness.

Now, feeling empowered to openly discuss her journey with bipolar disorder, Carey emphasized her current sense of well-being, stating, “I am currently in a positive space in my life.

I remain optimistic that we can eradicate the stigma associated with mental health struggles.

It’s isolating to navigate such challenges alone, but they should not define us or dictate our lives.”

While actively working on her 15th studio album, a follow-up to 2014’s “Me.

I Am Mariah…

The Elusive Chanteuse,” Carey is dedicated to her craft and is set to release new music later this year.

For further details on bipolar disorder and access to support resources, individuals can visit

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