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Prince George Faces Travel Rule Change as He Approaches Significant Birthday

Prince George made a cheerful appearance alongside his family at a Christmas carol service, but there might be changes on the horizon for his future travels.

Since his birth, Prince George has been jet-setting with his parents, Kate and William, the Princess of Wales, and his younger siblings.

However, this long-standing practice could soon be altered.

This potential shift is attributed to a decree established by the late Queen Elizabeth, which stipulates that the heir to the throne should not travel with other family members.

Approaching a notable milestone in his life, Prince George may soon be required to adhere to the same protocol that his father, Prince William, followed when he reached the age of 12.

Typically, the royal family ventures together on various outings, whether it involves attending a relaxed afternoon at Wimbledon or embarking on trips to destinations such as Berlin and Jordan.

Nevertheless, as Prince George’s significant birthday approaches, it seems inevitable that adjustments will need to be made to accommodate the future king’s travel arrangements.

To avert the unlikely yet conceivable scenario of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ascending to the roles of King and Queen due to unforeseen circumstances occurring while the Wales family is traveling together, precautions are being considered.

Reports from Cosmopolitan suggest that despite previous instances of William, Kate, George, Princess Charlotte, aged eight, and Prince Louis, aged five, journeying collectively, this practice may no longer be permissible.

In accordance with an age-old tradition established by the late Queen, it appears that Prince William and his son, George, will be unable to travel together in the interest of safety.

As disclosed by former royal pilot Graham Laurie on Hello’s A Right Royal Podcast, a protocol was observed wherein all four family members—Prince, Princess, William, and Harry—were flown together until William reached the age of 12.

Following this age restriction, Prince William had to travel separately, and collective flights were only sanctioned when the children were young with explicit approval from Her Majesty.

The anticipated revival of this royal rule upon Prince George’s attainment of 12 years in July 2025 reflects the couple’s commitment to preserving the line of succession in case of unforeseen eventualities.

Previously, the Prince and Princess of Wales sought the late Queen’s authorization to bring their nine-month-old son, George, along during their visit to Australia.

While there is no formal regulation governing this aspect, and historical instances exist where royal heirs have traveled collectively, the ultimate decision rests with the Queen, ensuring the continuity of the line of succession.

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