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Christina Applegate’s Struggle with Personal Hygiene Amid MS Battle

Christina Applegate, the renowned 52-year-old actress from “Dead to Me,” has shared her current battle with a relapse in her multiple sclerosis condition.

In a candid revelation on her podcast “MeSsy,” she disclosed how the pain associated with the disease has made it challenging for her to maintain her personal hygiene, leading her to go without showering for three weeks.

Expressing her struggles, Applegate humorously remarked that she should consider investing in Cottonelle due to her inability to endure standing in the shower.

She mentioned the difficulty of finding comfort even while sitting in her small bench, attributing it to her current physical state.

Consequently, she has resorted to using alternative methods to cleanse herself, like relying on Cottonelle wipes.

The actress, who now limits her interactions to her 12-year-old daughter Sadie, candidly shared the embarrassment of emitting an unpleasant odor as a result of not being able to bathe.

She humorously recounted how her daughter’s reactions to her smell have been less than favorable, often resulting in comical exchanges between them.

Applegate, known for her role in “Married … With Children,” first revealed her multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2021 and hinted at the possibility of retiring from acting due to the condition.

Providing an update on her health recently, she described the intensity of the pain she is currently enduring, highlighting the challenges she faces in performing simple tasks like walking to the bathroom.

In addition to the physical discomfort, Applegate expressed feeling drained of energy, confining herself to dark rooms while seeking solace in watching TV.

She conveyed her frustrations at the abnormal sensations she experiences, such as tingling in unexpected areas and concerning eye movements that disrupt her sleep patterns.

Reflecting on her deteriorating condition, Applegate expressed worries about her legs’ unprecedented weakness and the unsettling eye-related symptoms she is encountering.

Despite these hardships, she remains determined to seek medical assistance to address her escalating health concerns and alleviate her anxieties regarding the progression of her multiple sclerosis.

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