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A Call to Action: Investing in Our Future Together

In a passionate address, a pastor and former NAACP National Youth and College Director shared a compelling message about the importance of economic empowerment within the Black community.

He emphasized that the first time America bombed itself was during the Tulsa massacre, a tragic event rooted in the fear of Black economic strength.

By highlighting this historical moment, he urged listeners to recognize the potential they possess economically, stating that the Black community is the 11th wealthiest group globally, yet remains largely underrepresented in wealth accumulation.

The pastor spoke candidly about the missed opportunities that have plagued the community when it comes to investing.

He recalled conversations with Isaac, emphasizing the revolutionary potential of platforms like FAMBASE, which could transform the way Black people engage with their finances.

He made it clear that the next phase of civil rights is intertwined with technological advancements and economic participation.

Reflecting on the wisdom of Benjamin Mays, the former president of Morehouse College, he reminded everyone that progress requires urgency.

Many people today lament not investing in tech giants like Apple or Microsoft when they had the chance.

He drew attention to the significance of this week, marking the 15th anniversary of Mark Zuckerberg’s acquisition of Instagram for $1 billion—a decision that has paid off immensely.

He framed the challenge ahead as one of participation rather than passive consumption.

The pastor called for 25,000 individuals to each contribute $600, urging them to think not just about immediate gratification but about the legacy they wish to leave for future generations.

He pointed out the unfortunate reality that many iconic figures, like Prince and Aretha Franklin, failed to plan their estates, leaving their families to navigate financial chaos after their passing.

Statistics revealed a stark truth: 92% of Black individuals do not even know the names of their great-grandparents, often because those ancestors left behind little to no wealth.

This lack of generational knowledge and financial inheritance highlights the urgent need for change.

As he walked through the streets of Tulsa, reflecting on the 102nd anniversary of the bombing, he felt a deep connection to the past and a commitment to ensuring that history does not repeat itself.

With fervor, he invited his audience to join him in this investment journey, challenging them to think differently about their financial futures.

He provided a website——where individuals can make their contributions and become part of something larger than themselves.

In a twist on traditional church fundraising, he encouraged sharing this initiative widely, urging people to spread the word about Isaac Hayes III’s groundbreaking work.

The pastor’s message was clear: this is a moment for action, not just conversation.

He painted a vivid picture of what could be achieved if the community comes together, urging listeners to shift their focus from social outings to collective financial empowerment.

Instead of spending on fleeting pleasures, he proposed pooling resources to create lasting change.

As he rallied support, he reminded everyone that being a part of this movement means embracing a new identity—Afrofuturist.

This term signifies a commitment to envisioning a brighter future rooted in the rich heritage of the Black community.

The pastor concluded with a powerful call to arms, reminding everyone that they don’t need to travel far to make a difference; they can start right from home.

The urgency of the moment resonated deeply as he challenged the audience to step up and invest in their future, ensuring that the next generation will have a story of empowerment rather than struggle to tell.

With the stakes high and the potential for monumental change at hand, the pastor expressed his unwavering belief in the power of community action.

He encouraged everyone to rise to the occasion, emphasizing that together, they can create a significant impact that echoes through history.

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