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Actor Terry Crews Reveals s**ual Assault Ordeal with Hollywood Executive

Renowned actor and former NFL player, Terry Crews, recently disclosed a distressing encounter where he was allegedly s**ually assaulted by a prominent figure in the Hollywood industry.

Despite the traumatic experience, Crews chose to remain silent and refrain from taking action due to apprehensions of facing social exclusion or legal consequences.

Having been a part of esteemed football teams such as the Los Angeles Rams, San Diego Chargers, and the Washington Redskins, along with his role in the popular sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Crews decided to share his harrowing experience through a series of tweets after reflecting on the prevalent Harvey Weinstein scandal.

He expressed how the unfolding events surrounding Weinstein triggered distressing memories for him, stating, “This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD.


Because this kind of thing happened to ME.”

In light of the s**ual assault allegations levied against film producer Harvey Weinstein by numerous women including Asia Argento, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolie, Crews shed light on his own traumatic encounter within the entertainment industry.

Despite Weinstein’s denial of some allegations and his claims of consensual relationships, Crews felt compelled to bring attention to the issue and speak out against such misconduct.

Recalling the disturbing incident that took place at an industry event in 2016, Crews revealed that an unidentified male executive made unwanted advances by groping his genitals in the presence of his wife, displaying a callous attitude as he witnessed their shocked reactions.

While the temptation to retaliate surged within him, Crews refrained from escalating the situation, fearing repercussions and potential legal entanglements.

He expressed his concerns stating, “‘240 lbs.

Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho’ would be the headline the next day.”

Following the inappropriate act, the executive reached out to offer an apology without providing any justification for his egregious behavior.

Despite the attempt at reconciliation, Crews opted to keep the incident under wraps, attributing his decision to the power dynamics at play and the risk of being marginalized within the industry.

His statement, “Par [for] the course when the predator has power [and] influence,” underscores the challenges faced by individuals in confronting such abuses of power.

Acknowledging the emotional toll of his experience, Crews emphasized his solidarity with those who have chosen to remain silent in the face of similar atrocities.

While highlighting that Weinstein is not the sole perpetrator of such offenses, Crews aimed to empower others by sharing his story, with a hope to dissuade potential predators and provide