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Age Difference Led to Breakup: Cindy Crawford Opens Up About Failed Marriage to Richard Gere

In 1995, after a brief four-year union, Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere parted ways.

The supermodel, now 47, attributes the dissolution of their relationship to the significant 17-year age gap between them.

During a recent episode of Oprah’s Master Class, Crawford candidly expressed how crucial one’s twenties are for women in terms of self-discovery and empowerment.

As Crawford reflected on her failed marriage to the Pretty Woman actor, she acknowledged the challenges of personal growth within a relationship dynamic.

She highlighted the evolution she experienced during her twenties, a period marked by newfound strength and self-awareness that may have conflicted with the expectations set early on in their union.

Their romance commenced when Crawford was merely 21 years old, and as she matured over the following years, she found herself seeking more equality and independence within the partnership.

The model emphasized her desire to lead alongside her partner rather than just following, a shift that posed difficulties in sustaining their bond.

Recalling their initial encounter at a gathering hosted by renowned photographer Herb Ritts in 1987, Crawford reminisced about the excitement of meeting influential figures like Jack Nicholson.

The couple’s relationship swiftly progressed, with Crawford noting that her rising fame coincided with their courtship, ultimately culminating in marriage four years later.

Despite their separation, Crawford acknowledged the positive influence Gere had on her navigation through fame.

Observing his adept handling of fan interactions, she gleaned valuable lessons on setting boundaries and maintaining authenticity in public encounters, a skill she initially found challenging due to her innate inclination to please others.

Crawford’s Midwestern upbringing instilled a predisposition towards kindness and agreeability, traits that sometimes clashed with the necessity of establishing personal limits in the public sphere.

Learning from Gere’s example, she discovered the significance of genuine connections in brief exchanges, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and valuing each individual interaction.

While their marriage may have concluded, Crawford speaks fondly of the chapter she shared with Gere, describing it as a significant period of learning and growth.

Her admiration for Gere’s intellect and character remains unwavering, underscoring the mutual respect and amicable terms on which they parted ways.

Since her divorce from Gere, Crawford found lasting happiness in her marriage to businessman Rande Gerber in 1999.

Their union has been blessed with two children, Presley and Kaia, solidifying her belief in second chances and the fulfillment that can arise from new beginnings.

In a parallel journey, Gere embarked on a subsequent marriage with model Carey Lowell in 2002, welcoming a son named Homer into their lives.