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Alison Brie’s Hilarious Mishap on the Set of ‘Mad Men’

Alison Brie, known for her roles in various projects including “GLOW” and “Community,” recently shared a humorous anecdote from her time on the set of the hit show “Mad Men.”

Despite her busy schedule promoting different works such as “Promising Young Woman” and “The Rental,” Brie took a trip down memory lane to recount a rather embarrassing incident that occurred during her stint on AMC’s acclaimed series.

Before gaining widespread recognition as a sought-after actress, Brie portrayed the character Trudy Campbell on “Mad Men,” a show set in the 1960s where fashion played a significant role.

Brie revealed an amusing mishap she experienced due to a wardrobe oversight while wearing a girdle, a garment that was a staple of the era’s attire.

Describing the girdle as akin to biker shorts that reached up to the ribs, Brie explained a crucial detail about its design – a small opening for bodily functions.

However, in her early days on the show, she mistakenly wore underwear underneath the girdle, leading to a comical bathroom incident that left her flustered.

During an episode of the “Life is Short” podcast with Justin Long, Brie recalled the moment vividly: rushing to the restroom between scenes, she attempted to use the girdle’s opening but failed to move her underwear aside properly.

As a result, she found herself in an awkward situation where she realized too late that she was not hearing the expected sound of liquid hitting the toilet bowl.

In a bid to salvage the situation quickly and discreetly, Brie returned to the set after hastily cleaning up and resumed filming without drawing attention to the mishap.

Fortunately, the show’s fashion designer, Janie Bryant, displayed remarkable understanding upon learning about the incident, reassuring Brie that such occurrences were not uncommon on set.

Reflecting on the incident with a mix of amusement and gratitude, Brie praised Bryant’s professionalism and kindness in handling the situation with grace.

Despite the embarrassing nature of the incident, Brie’s candid storytelling offered a glimpse into the challenges and humorous moments that can arise behind the scenes of a beloved television series.

As Brie continues to captivate audiences with her diverse roles and engaging performances, her lighthearted tale of a mishap on the set of “Mad Men” serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and entertaining aspects of working in the entertainment industry.

The incident, although embarrassing at the time, has now become a humorous anecdote that showcases Brie’s down-to-earth personality and ability to find laughter in unexpected situations.