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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Unconventional Experience Filming Intimate Scenes

Angelina Jolie found the experience of shooting intimate scenes with her husband, Brad Pitt, to be quite unusual.

The couple, who got married just last year, are currently working together on the film ‘By The Sea,’ where they play a married couple.

Jolie, aged 40, revealed that filming such scenes has been challenging for them.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly magazine, Jolie shared, “It’s the oddest feeling to be lying n^ked in a bathtub, looking at the scene on an iPad, while my husband is waiting at the door for direction to come in and enact a love scene in front of a crew of cameramen.”

The discomfort was not limited to Jolie alone, as her 51-year-old husband, Brad Pitt, also had his own reservations.

Pitt, being protective of Jolie, did not want her to be exposed in front of the camera crew.

Jolie described how Pitt took on the role of ensuring her modesty, stating, “I couldn’t even leave the bathtub to check the monitor because the director was without clothes.

As artists, we seek freedom, but for Brad, I am his wife.

He made sure to cover me with a towel.”

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, the couple managed to lighten the atmosphere on set by sharing jokes and laughter.

Jolie expressed, “Love scenes are already strange, but when you’re enacting one with your real-life partner?

The only way to handle it was by acknowledging its absurdity and ensuring that no one felt uncomfortable.”

The pair’s ability to find humor in the situation helped them navigate through the challenges of filming intimate scenes together.

Their openness and willingness to discuss the peculiar nature of the scenes allowed them to overcome any potential discomfort that may have arisen during the filming