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Angelina Jolie Shares Struggle with Brad Pitt Over Harvey Weinstein: Emotional Revelations Unveiled

Renowned actress Angelina Jolie recently opened up about her conflicts with former spouse Brad Pitt regarding his collaborations with disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

The acclaimed star, age 46, candidly discussed the distressing encounters she endured while working on the Weinstein-produced film “Playing by Heart” back in 1998, when she was just 21 years old.

Reflecting on the past, Jolie revealed that she initially downplayed the unsettling incident.

In a recent interview with The Guardian’s Weekend magazine, Jolie bravely addressed the traumatic experience, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

She expressed, “If you manage to extricate yourself from a situation, you may believe that nothing serious occurred.

However, the truth remains that the mere attempt and the emotional toll it exacts constitute a form of assault.”

Recounting her ordeal, she stressed that it extended beyond a mere advance, evolving into a distressing scenario from which she needed to flee urgently.

Jolie also recounted confiding in her former husband Jonny Lee Miller, now 48, with whom she shared the screen in the 1995 movie “Hackers.”

She acknowledged Miller’s supportive response and recollected cautioning him about Weinstein’s concerning behavior.

The actress vividly remembered advising Miller to caution other male acquaintances to prevent women from being alone with the producer.

The award-winning actress further disclosed that disagreements arose between her and Pitt during his involvement in Quentin Tarantino’s film “Inglourious Basterds” in 2009, a project co-produced by the Weinstein Company.

Despite their differences, Pitt collaborated with Tarantino once more for the 2019 film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” excluding Weinstein from the production.

Jolie lamented Pitt’s decision to engage with Weinstein for his 2012 film “Killing Them Softly,” which was both produced and distributed by the Weinstein Company.

Moreover, Jolie declined an offer to star in “The Aviator” due to Weinstein’s involvement, firmly asserting her stance against associating with the producer.

She underscored her unwavering stance, emphasizing her deep-seated aversion to collaborating with Weinstein.

Jolie reflected on the emotional strain caused by Pitt’s association with Weinstein, acknowledging the pain it inflicted upon their relationship.

The celebrated actress initially revealed Weinstein’s misconduct in 2017 to The New York Times, recounting his inappropriate advances during a distressing encounter in a hotel room that she vehemently rebuffed.

Addressing the prevalent issue of harassment, Jolie emphasized the necessity of denouncing such behavior and creating a safe environment for all individuals, particularly women.

In a related account, actress Gwyneth Paltrow shared her own distressing encounter with Weinstein at the age of 22 while dating Pitt.

Following an unsettling incident where Weinstein made unwanted advances, Paltrow sought solace in Pitt, who promptly intervened and confronted Weinstein, demanding he refrain from such behavior towards her.

Presently, Pitt is involved in producing a film based on the investigative reporting of Weinstein’s case by The New York Times through his production entities, Plan B and Annapurna Pictures.

Responding to recent developments, Weinstein dismissed Jolie’s revelations as a publicity strategy aimed at boosting sales for her forthcoming book.

While discussing her upcoming book “Know Your Rights and Claim Them: A Guide for Youth,” co-authored with Amnesty International and human rights lawyer Geraldine Van Bueren, Jolie delved into the intricacies of children’s rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

As a dedicated advocate and Special Envoy for the UNCRC, Jolie emphasized the importance of safeguarding children’s rights globally.

Motivated by her six children, Jolie embarked on writing the book to ensure adequate support for young individuals amidst personal challenges, including her divorce and custody battle with Pitt.

The actress remains committed to advocating for children’s rights and leveraging her platform to amplify these crucial issues on a global scale.