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**Arnold Schwarzenegger Faces Backlash for Unpleasant Act On Set**

Miriam Margolyes, the renowned actress, recently disclosed her encounter with Arnold Schwarzenegger, labeling him as ‘rude’ for his behavior during the filming of the 1999 horror movie End Of Days.

In a podcast episode of Have I Got News For You, the 81-year-old actress shared an incident where Schwarzenegger allegedly ‘farted’ in her face intentionally.

Expressing her dismay, Miriam described the action star’s conduct as disrespectful and egotistical, suggesting that he displayed a lack of manners.

Recounting the incident, she mentioned being in a vulnerable position while portraying Satan’s sister in a scene where Schwarzenegger’s character was overpowering her.

It was during this moment that the actor purportedly committed the distasteful act.

The actress vividly recalled the uncomfortable experience, stating, “He farted in my face.

Now, I fart, of course I do – but I don’t fart in people’s faces.

He did it deliberately, right in my face.”

She further emphasized that the incident occurred off-camera, emphasizing her unforgiving stance towards Schwarzenegger’s behavior.

In response to inquiries regarding the incident, representatives for Arnold Schwarzenegger have not provided any comments.

The movie, which featured Schwarzenegger as an ex-cop attempting to thwart Satan’s plan to conceive the Antichrist, received unfavorable reviews, with a mere 11% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Critics panned the film for its excessive violence and unoriginal storyline, with one reviewer dubbing it as a “questionably repulsive big-budget film.”

Another critic criticized the movie as a “tired dud of an over-the-top violent action movie,” highlighting its lackluster execution.

Miriam Margolyes, known for her candid remarks, recently made headlines for her candid comments about Leonardo DiCaprio’s personal hygiene.

During an appearance on This Morning, she humorously labeled the heartthrob actor as “smelly,” attributing it to the hot weather conditions during the filming of Romeo and Juliet in Mexico.

Despite causing a stir with her unfiltered language on live television, Miriam’s frankness and humorous anecdotes continue to captivate audiences.

Her unabashed demeanor and willingness to share amusing anecdotes make her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.