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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Infamous Act On Set Leaves Co-Star Fuming

In a recent revelation, Miriam Margolyes shared an unpleasant experience from her time working with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of the 1999 movie “End of Days.”

Known for her role in the Harry Potter series, Margolyes disclosed that Schwarzenegger, allegedly, purposefully passed gas on her face during a break in filming.

The incident occurred while they were shooting the supernatural action film, and Margolyes, aged 81, expressed her disdain for Schwarzenegger’s behavior, stating she has not forgiven him for his actions.

Margolyes did not hold back in her criticism of Schwarzenegger, referring to him as self-absorbed and expressing her disapproval of his political affiliation as a Republican.

Recalling the incident, she mentioned being in a vulnerable position while portraying Satan’s sister and being at Schwarzenegger’s mercy as he delivered his unwelcome flatulence right in her face.

Despite the moment not being captured on film, Margolyes emphasized that she continues to harbor ill feelings towards Schwarzenegger for his disrespectful act.

Directed by Peter Hyams, “End of Days” featured Schwarzenegger in the lead role of a former NYPD detective on a mission to thwart Satan’s plans to bring forth the Antichrist.

Margolyes played one of Satan’s assistants in the movie, alongside a cast that included Gabriel Byrne, Robin Tunney, Kevin Pollak, and Rod Steiger.

The film, released in 1999, delved into themes of supernatural conflict and garnered attention for its intense storyline and performances.

The LGBTQ+ community has long played a significant role in the entertainment industry, despite facing challenges related to societal acceptance and representation in media.

Movies featuring LGBTQ+ content have historically been subject to censorship, with stricter rating standards applied to films depicting same-s** relationships or characters.

This stigma surrounding LGBTQ+ representation has hindered many celebrities from openly discussing their s**ual orientation, reminiscent of Old Hollywood actor Rock Hudson, who kept his homosexuality hidden during his career peak.

Fortunately, contemporary LGBTQ+ celebrities are more empowered to embrace their identities publicly and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

The shift in societal attitudes and industry norms has allowed celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Elliot Page, Tim Cook, Drew Barrymore, Billie Joe Armstrong, and Clive Davis to openly discuss their LGBTQ+ status and contribute to destigmatizing diverse s**ual identities.

These individuals have utilized their platforms to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues and promote inclusivity within the entertainment sector.

Miley Cyrus, known for her versatile career in acting and music, has been vocal about her gender-fluid identity since 2015 and actively supports LGBTQ+ causes through her Happy Hippie Foundation.

Elliot Page, acclaimed for roles in various films, bravely came out as transgender in 2020, inspiring others grappling with their identities.

Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly acknowledged his sexuality in 2014, emphasizing the importance of advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

Drew Barrymore, a Hollywood icon, has been open about her bisexuality and mental health struggles, advocating for greater acceptance and understanding.

Billie Joe Armstrong, frontman of Green Day, has been openly bisexual since 1995, challenging societal taboos and promoting acceptance of diverse s**ual orientations.

Music mogul Clive Davis, renowned for shaping the careers of numerous music legends, revealed details of his relationships with men in his autobiography, contributing to LGBTQ+ visibility in the music industry.

These prominent figures represent a growing trend of LGBTQ+ celebrities using their influence to foster a more inclusive and diverse entertainment landscape, paving the way for greater acceptance and representation within the industry.