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Ben Affleck’s Remarkable Physique Earns Praise from Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner has openly acknowledged that capturing her former partner Ben Affleck’s well-endowed nature on camera required a “wide lens” due to its substantial size.

During their marriage, which lasted from 2005 to 2018, Garner frequently commented on Affleck’s physical attributes.

In 2014, while appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, she made an unreserved revelation about her spouse.

At that time, Ben had a brief full-frontal appearance in the movie Gone Girl.

Ellen humorously suggested that this was a tactic to boost viewer ratings.

In agreement, Jennifer humorously responded, “He’s displaying his private parts.

I believe you might be onto something.”

She further quipped to the audience, “What I want to say is, ‘You’re welcome.’

I view myself as a generous individual and wanted to reciprocate.

You offer me so much, so I wanted to give back to all of you.”

When asked about her feelings regarding her husband’s n^dty on screen, Jennifer shared, “There wasn’t a discussion; it was more like, ‘Hey, at work today [director David] Fincher convinced me to step out of the shower.’

And I thought, ‘Oh, great, well, I hope he used a wide-angle lens.'”

Even Ben’s co-stars were taken aback by the scene, with author Gillian Flynn expressing surprise.

She remarked, “It happens so quickly.

You may catch a glimpse, or perhaps you won’t.

I chuckled because there were various comments about his full-frontal scene, and I thought, ‘That isn’t what full frontal means, my friends.’

It was simply a man entering a shower.”

Ben added, “I would like to express my gratitude to David for his professionalism.

Specifically, we had a shower sequence in the film.

David reassured me, as trust is crucial between directors and actors: ‘Rest assured, if the camera pans down, we won’t reveal anything.'”

Reese Witherspoon, another Hollywood star, commended Ben’s physique in the film, acknowledging the size of his anatomy.

When asked for her opinion on the scene, Reese admitted, “It happened so quickly that I missed it!”

Despite the admiration for Ben’s physical attributes, his relationship with Jennifer Garner eventually ended in 2018.

Ben later rekindled a romance with Jennifer Lopez, whom he had previously dated between 2002 and 2004, and also had a notable relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow in the 1990s.

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