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Bill Murray’s Run-In with the Law Over Marijuana and a Plane Incident

Bill Murray enthusiasts often recall a particular tale involving drugs and an aircraft.

What unfolded when he faced arrest at the airport?

Renowned Hollywood star and comedian Bill Murray, famous for his roles in blockbuster movies like Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day, has a long history of on-set disputes and controversies.

However, are his fans aware of the incident where he was apprehended for attempting to transport a substantial amount of marijuana on a flight departing from Chicago?

In September 1970, when Murray was just 20 years old, an intriguing event transpired.

While queuing up to board the plane, he jestingly informed a fellow traveler that his baggage contained explosives, aiming for a light-hearted banter.

Regrettably, a staff member at the ticket counter overheard his remark and promptly alerted U.S.


Subsequently, the star of Caddyshack was singled out from the line and subjected to a thorough examination of his belongings.

Instead of finding bombs, authorities discovered two hefty five-pound packages of marijuana.

Back then, the drugs held a value close to $20,000; today, they could fetch around $160,000 when adjusted for inflation.

In a bid to conceal his misdeed, Murray endeavored to stash the marijuana in an airport locker.

However, before he could carry out his plan, law enforcement officials intervened and took the young actor into custody.

Despite failing to hide the evidence in time, Murray managed to eliminate some proof by ingesting a check issued by a “customer” and addressed to him.

Following his detention, Bill Murray was summoned to appear before a judge in a narcotics court.

As reported by Esquire, owing to being a first-time offender, Murray escaped imprisonment but was handed a five-year probation term for the marijuana possession offense.

Although not as widely recognized then as he is today, Murray’s arrest made headlines in the Chicago Tribune.

Concerned about the potential repercussions on his education due to a criminal record, the star of Charlie’s Angels opted to depart from Regis College after seeking advice from friends and family.

Subsequently, he explored alternative paths that ultimately paved the way for his current status as a comedy icon.

Interestingly, Regis College bestowed upon Murray an honorary doctorate in 2007, as per The Denver Post.

Bill Murray is not the sole celebrity entangled in drug-related legal issues.

Notable musician Jimi Hendrix also faced arrest at an airport for “illegal narcotics possession,” as documented by Rolling Stone.

In Hendrix’s case, the incident occurred at the Toronto International Airport, where he was found in possession of heroin instead of marijuana.

Hendrix contended that a fan unknowingly slipped the heroin into his bag, and he was eventually acquitted, with his defense emphasizing the absence of additional drug paraphernalia or physical markings.

Another personality with a tainted history involving drugs is actor Robert Downey Jr., who served time behind bars for his infractions.

Downey Jr. encountered multiple arrests for drug-related charges, including heroin and cocaine possession.

Notably, he embarked on a journey to sobriety in the early 2000s with the unwavering support of his spouse and has since maintained a drug-free lifestyle.

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