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Billy Porter Mourns the Loss of His Beloved Mother, Cloerinda Jean Johnson Porter-Ford

Renowned actor Billy Porter is grieving over the recent passing of his mother, Cloerinda Jean Johnson Porter-Ford.

In an emotional tribute shared on Instagram, Porter, aged 53, along with his sister Mary Martha Ford, announced the heartbreaking news of their mother’s departure.

They expressed that they were by her side as she took her final breath, holding her close in their arms.

Describing their mother as someone who embraced life to the fullest despite facing physical limitations, Porter and his sister highlighted her embodiment of true Christian values.

They emphasized her unconditional love as a shining example that could benefit society at large.

The siblings acknowledged the profound impact of their mother’s presence and the legacy she leaves behind, stating that although they are devastated by her absence, they take comfort in knowing her suffering has come to an end.

In a poignant remembrance, Porter and his sister reflected on their mother’s enduring strength and unwavering grace throughout her prolonged battle with illness.

They expressed gratitude for the lessons she imparted and the values she instilled in them, emphasizing her ongoing influence in their lives even after her passing.

The heartfelt tribute included a series of cherished photographs capturing moments shared with Cloerinda, illustrating the depth of their bond and the joy she brought to those around her.

Among the images shared were snapshots from various gatherings and events where Cloerinda was surrounded by loved ones, including star-studded galas attended by the family.

The collection of photos also featured intimate moments with Billy and Mary, underscoring the close-knit relationship they shared with their mother.

Porter had previously honored his mother on her 79th birthday earlier this year, expressing gratitude for her presence in their lives and urging others to cherish their loved ones.

In his memoir “Unprotected,” published in 2021, Porter revealed details of his mother’s health struggles, noting her long-standing battle with a degenerative neurological disorder that confined her to a wheelchair in her later years.

Despite her challenges, Cloerinda’s resilience and enduring spirit served as a source of inspiration for her children, shaping their values and guiding them through life’s adversities.

As they navigate this difficult loss, Porter and his family draw strength from the enduring love and wisdom passed down by their beloved matriarch.