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Brad Pitt Reflects on Personal Growth Post Breakup with Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt is actively acknowledging and confronting his own imperfections following the self-induced separation from Angelina Jolie.

In a comprehensive discussion with GQ Style featured in its summer edition, marking his first interview post Jolie’s divorce filing in September, the 53-year-old actor confesses to grappling with understanding and expressing his emotions due to his upbringing that advocated for a stoic approach to challenges.

Admitting his struggle, Pitt remarked, “I have difficulty recognizing and embracing my emotions.

I tend to mask them instead.

I was brought up with a patriarchal and militaristic mindset – viewing the father as all-knowing and omnipotent, rather than recognizing his vulnerabilities and internal battles.”

Driven by a commitment to his six children, Pitt is committed to evolving his emotional openness.

He elaborated, “The impact of our divorce has awakened me to the fact that I need to evolve.

I must become more emotionally available for them.

I must set an example.

Regrettably, I haven’t excelled in this aspect.”

Discussing the changes he has undergone post-breakup, Pitt highlighted his shift towards a healthier lifestyle.

“I had been indulging in alcohol excessively,” he confessed.

“It had spiraled into a concern.

Nevertheless, I’m grateful that it has been six months now, although it’s a mix of emotions, I am reconnecting with my emotions.”

Reflecting on his past drinking habits, Pitt humorously stated, “To be honest, I could outdrink a Russian with their vodka.

It was a skill.

I was proficient.”

When questioned about his decision to quit drinking abruptly, the Allied actor responded, “I no longer desire to live that way.”

Following the acrimonious end of his 12-year partnership with Jolie, Pitt initially agreed to supervised weekly visits with their six children – Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8.

Subsequent to an incident on their private jet on September 14, where Pitt reportedly engaged in verbal and physical altercations with Maddox under the influence, the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services and the FBI initiated investigations.

However, both inquiries concluded without any substantiated abuse allegations.

In a joint statement, the former couple affirmed their collaboration with a private mediator to settle their divorce amicably and pledged to present a united front for the well-being of their family.

Pitt assured GQ that he is determined to avoid contentious custody battles.

“I adamantly oppose that path,” Pitt asserted.

“Thankfully, my partner shares this stance.

The abrupt disruption of the children’s familial environment is deeply unsettling for them.”