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Brad Pitt’s Perfect Audition for Thelma & Louise Revealed

Geena Davis shared insights into the moment Brad Pitt shone during his audition for the iconic role of cowboy hitchhiker JD in the 1991 hit film Thelma & Louise, beating out other future A-listers for the part.

Reflecting on the casting process during an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Davis reminisced about being already cast as Thelma when she engaged in chemistry reads with four different actors contending for the role of JD.

She noted that all the actors were handsome and talented, but it was Pitt who left a lasting impression with his charisma and exceptional talent, causing her to fumble over her lines during his audition.

Recounting the intense competition, Davis humorously revealed that after all auditions were completed, she advised the casting directors to go with “the blonde one,” referring to Pitt.

While the identities of the other contenders were initially unknown to Davis, she later discovered them to be Grant Show, recognized for his role as Jake Hanson on Melrose Place, and Mark Ruffalo, famous for portraying the Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In a surprising twist, Davis shared an anecdote about encountering one of the unsuccessful candidates, George Clooney, on a flight.

Clooney expressed his disappointment at losing the part to Pitt, revealing that he had auditioned alongside Davis but went unrecognized.

Norton expressed disbelief at Davis not recognizing Clooney, to which she admitted her oversight.

Furthermore, in a separate interview, Davis mentioned feeling uncomfortable watching a TV clip featuring Bill Murray grabbing her arm during a promotional event for their 1990 film Quick Change.

The incident highlighted the challenges faced by actors in navigating interactions both on and off-screen.