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Bruce Willis Faces Communication Challenges Amid Aphasia and Dementia Struggle

Bruce Willis is encountering ongoing difficulties with his well-being.

The renowned actor, known for his role in Die Hard, received a diagnosis of aphasia, a language disorder, in 2022 and was later diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia earlier this year.

A close friend, Glenn Gordon Caron, the creator of the ’80s television series Moonlighting, in which Willis starred alongside Cybill Shepherd, revealed that Willis is currently struggling with verbal communication.

Caron shared insights with the New York Post on October 12, expressing that in the initial one to three minutes of an interaction, Willis recognizes him.

He elaborated that Willis, who used to avidly read in private, has now lost that ability.

Despite the loss of these language skills, Willis remains recognizable as himself.

Caron noted that although Bruce’s essence is retained in his presence, the enthusiasm for life seems to have diminished.

In occasional conversations with Willis’s wife, Emma Heming Willis, and his adult children, Caron emphasized the significance of Moonlighting being accessible for streaming online to Bruce.

The nostalgia evoked by the availability of the show holds sentimental value for Willis, indicating its positive impact amidst his health struggles.
