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Calls for fringe royals to rally around King and ‘do a bit more’ after Charles and Kate’s health battles put them out of action – as experts say K

Is It Time for Beatrice and Eugenie to Step Up?

Urgent Calls for Minor Royals to Support King Charles Amid Health Battles of Senior Members – Experts Warn Monarchy Looks ‘Threadbare’

The monarchy is facing a critical moment as experts call on minor royals to rally around King Charles and provide support following his cancer diagnosis and the health issues faced by the Princess of Wales.

With Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s departure and Prince Andrew’s disgrace, there are not enough young royals available to take on public duties and alleviate the pressure on senior family members like the Queen and Prince William.

Buckingham Palace recently announced that King Charles has been diagnosed with an unspecified form of cancer and will be suspending face-to-face royal engagements while he undergoes treatment.

This has raised concerns that without the involvement of less senior royals such as Lady Louise Windsor, Sophie (Countess of Wessex), and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the royal family will struggle to hold as many events or support as many charities as before.

King Charles’ health scare comes after Kate Middleton’s hospitalization for planned abdominal surgery, resulting in her inability to return to royal duties until after Easter.

The specific type and stage of the King’s cancer have not been disclosed, but it has been confirmed that it is not prostate cancer and was detected early during his recent hospital stay for surgery on a benign enlarged prostate.

Royal commentator Phil Dampier expressed concern about the lack of younger royals available to share the workload, given that Queen Camilla and the Princess Royal are in their mid-70s.

He noted that the responsibility has primarily fallen on Prince William and Kate, speculating whether the stress of this burden, combined with the problems involving Harry and Meghan, has contributed to Kate’s own pressures.

Dampier acknowledged that Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie could potentially assist with minor duties, but their father’s association with Jeffrey Epstein makes their involvement more challenging for the family.

Instead, he praised Sophie (Countess of Wessex) for her excellent work and suggested that she could do even more.

Another royal expert, Richard Fitzwilliam, highlighted the tremendous pressure on Prince William and the limited number of royals available to take on additional engagements.

With Beatrice and Eugenie also facing challenges due to their father’s situation, the responsibility may ultimately fall on the young children of William and Kate, who are too young to bear such a weighty load.

The situation is unprecedented, and there are no simple solutions, according to Fitzwilliam.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding King Charles’ timeline for suspending public engagements, he will continue to handle state business, official paperwork, Privy Council meetings, and weekly audiences with the Prime Minister through alternative means like video conferences and phone calls.

King Charles personally informed his immediate family members, including Harry, William, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, and the Duke of Edinburgh, about his diagnosis before it was made public.

While the Palace has requested privacy for the King during his treatment, he chose to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and raise awareness about cancer, a cause he has long supported.

This health scare marks the latest challenge for the monarchy in 2024, following the King’s recent hospital stay, Kate’s major surgery, and Sarah, Duchess of York’s skin cancer diagnosis.

King Charles will continue to receive regular cancer treatment as an outpatient, but the details of his care remain undisclosed.

Despite these circumstances, members of the royal family, including Princess Beatrice, have been spotted carrying out their daily activities.

Prince Harry has also returned to the UK after being informed by his father about the diagnosis.

It is unclear if he will meet with Prince Charles, given the reported strain in their relationship.

Prince William will resume official duties this week, potentially taking on some of his father’s responsibilities.

While the monarchy faces an uncertain future, the support and involvement of minor royals are crucial to ensuring its continued success.