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Charlize Theron Calls Out Steven Seagal as ‘Incredibly Overweight’ in Fight Scenes

In the world of Hollywood, where feuds and gossip run rampant, a new clash has emerged that doesn’t involve the usual suspects like Kim Kardashian or fashion mishaps at prestigious events.

The spotlight now shines on Charlize Theron, who didn’t hold back in expressing her thoughts about the martial arts prowess displayed by the renowned actor Steven Seagal.

During a promotional appearance for her film “The Old Guard” on The Howard Stern Show back in 2020, Theron openly criticized Seagal’s Aikido fighting techniques, labeling them as staged and unimpressive.

Despite Seagal’s claims of holding a black belt in karate, Theron dismissed his fighting skills after watching videos of him engaging in combat, particularly in Japanese tournaments.

She pointed out that Seagal appeared out of shape and relied more on pushing rather than genuine fighting techniques.

Theron’s candid remarks extended beyond Seagal’s physical abilities, as she also took a swipe at his character, citing his alleged mistreatment of women as a reason for her lack of hesitation in speaking critically about him.

Refuting the accusations leveled against him, Seagal, through his attorney Anthony Falangetti, vehemently denied any wrongdoing, particularly regarding allegations of s**ual assault and harassment.

The attorney emphasized that the claims lacked credibility and were fabricated to tarnish Seagal’s reputation.

Despite the controversies surrounding Seagal, he continues to maintain his innocence and stands firm in refuting the allegations brought against him, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between genuine victims of abuse in the entertainment industry and baseless accusations.