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Cruise Staff Member Accuses John Travolta of s**ual Misconduct

Fabian Zanzi disclosed to the Spanish news outlet ABC.es that while working on a Royal Caribbean cruise in 2009, the renowned actor proposed a s**ual encounter to him.

The Chilean employee shared that the famous actor from “Saturday Night Fever” offered him $12,000 for a s**ual liaison, a proposition that he declined as per the report by the New York Daily News.

Narrating his experience to a Chilean news program via E!

Online, Zanzi recounted, “He said that he had something on his neck.

I thought it was lint.

When he got close to me, he took off his white robe and he was n^ked.

He hugged me and asked me to give him a massage.”

Travolta’s legal representative, Marty Singer, swiftly dismissed this fresh allegation as a fabricated attempt for attention.

Singer expressed to the Daily News, “This individual is simply hopping on the bandwagon to get his 15 minutes of fame by coming up with a story for the first time with something that supposedly happened over three years ago.

No lawyer has contacted us.”

Previously, two unidentified masseurs had lodged a lawsuit seeking $2 million in damages against the actor, citing harassment and s**ual battery.

Both masseurs detailed incidents where they faced unwanted s**ual advances from Travolta.

John Doe 1 reported the occurrence in a Beverly Hills hotel on January 16, whereas John Doe 2 stated it happened in an Atlanta hotel on January 28.

Singer vehemently refuted these claims as being “absurd and ridiculous,” a sentiment echoed by Travolta who labeled the lawsuit as “a complete fiction.”

In an attempt to counter the allegations, Travolta highlighted evidence showing his travel to New York on the morning of January 16, where he checked into a hotel.

Consequently, John Doe