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Dakota Johnson Joins Maude as Investor and Co-Creative Director

Dakota Johnson, known for her role as Anastasia Steele in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, has become a prominent figure in Hollywood over the past five years.

Her portrayal in the films shed light on the complexities of BDSM relationships, sparking conversations around s**ual dynamics.

However, Johnson’s impact extends beyond the big screen as she delves into promoting s**ual wellness off-screen.

The 31-year-old actress has recently taken on a new role as an investor and co-creative director at Maude, a renowned s**ual wellness brand celebrated for its innovative products and empowering messaging.

Eva Goicochea, the founder and CEO of Maude, praises Johnson for embodying the brand’s ethos and mission.

Together, they will collaborate on creative projects, develop new offerings, and launch sustainability and education-driven initiatives.

In a time where health experts emphasize self-care and safety amidst the ongoing global pandemic, Johnson’s partnership with Maude holds significance.

The evolving landscape of s**ual wellness, with a focus on inclusivity and destigmatization, aligns perfectly with the ethos of Maude and Johnson’s personal beliefs.

This collaboration marks a step towards fostering positive conversations around intimacy and self-care.

Reflecting on her new venture with Maude, Johnson shares her excitement about the partnership and the brand’s mission that resonates deeply with her values.

Introduced to Maude through mutual connections, Johnson was captivated by the company’s ethos and vision.

A virtual meeting with Eva Goicochea solidified their shared passion for the brand and its potential for growth.

The seamless connection between Johnson and Maude’s core principles sets the stage for a dynamic collaboration aimed at redefining s**ual wellness.

Johnson’s commitment to advocating for inclusivity and progress in the realm of intimacy aligns harmoniously with Maude’s mission.

Together, they aspire to break barriers, challenge norms, and promote a holistic approach to s**ual well-being.

As the conversation around s**ual wellness continues to evolve, Johnson’s involvement with Maude signifies a proactive step towards advancing positive narratives around intimacy and self-care.

By leveraging her platform and creativity, Johnson aims to disrupt existing paradigms and foster a culture of openness and empowerment in the realm of s**ual wellness.