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Demi Moore Regrets Threesomes with Ashton Kutcher Leading to Infidelity Excuse

As details from Demi Moore’s upcoming memoir, “Inside Out,” continue to surface, shocking revelations about her past with Ashton Kutcher have come to light.

According to reports from Radar Online, Moore expressed remorse over engaging in threesomes with Kutcher, revealing that he later used these encounters as a justification for his infidelity.

In her memoir, Moore disclosed that Kutcher, her former husband, cited the introduction of a third person into their intimate moments as a reason for his subsequent unfaithfulness.

This revelation adds a new layer of complexity to their tumultuous relationship, shedding light on the dynamics that contributed to its ultimate demise.

The disclosure of these intimate details comes amidst the highly anticipated release of Moore’s memoir, which has already garnered significant attention following previews shared by The New York Times.

With each revelation, the public gains further insight into the intricacies of Moore and Kutcher’s eight-year marriage, offering a glimpse into the challenges they faced behind closed doors.

Throughout the book, Moore reflects on the decisions and actions that shaped her relationship with Kutcher, including the ill-fated choice to engage in multiple threesomes together.

Describing these encounters as a “mistake,” Moore admitted to seeking validation and excitement through unconventional means, ultimately leading to unforeseen consequences within their marriage.

As the narrative unfolds