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Director Pressures Debra Messing Into n^de Scene

Debra Messing recently disclosed how a director coerced her into performing a n^de scene in the 1995 movie “A Walk in the Clouds” by criticizing her appearance.

During the 2017 Makers Conference, the 48-year-old actress reminisced about her first Hollywood film experience, starring alongside Keanu Reeves.

She mentioned that on her second day of shooting, she was informed of a surprise n^de scene, despite initially being told there wouldn’t be one.

When Debra expressed her discomfort to the film’s director, Alfonso Arau, he reacted angrily, insisting that her sole duty was to bare it all and deliver lines.

Feeling uneasy, she sought clarification from producers as to why she was misled about the nudity.

Their response revealed that while they had assured no n^dty for the domestic release, it was planned for international versions.

Despite her reservations, Debra was faced with a difficult choice presented by her agents: decline and risk losing the role or comply.

Reluctantly, she agreed to the scene, only to face further humiliation during filming as the director insisted on specific actions, including covering certain body parts.

Recounting the distressing experience, Debra highlighted the director’s manipulative tactics aimed at diminishing her confidence and asserting dominance.

The incident left a lasting impact on her, particularly the director’s derogatory remarks about her nose during a love scene with Keanu Reeves, which shocked her given her dedication to her craft and academic achievements.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Debra shared that revealing these events publicly marked a significant milestone for her, showcasing her resilience and growth in overcoming challenges.

Despite the setbacks, she embraced her individuality and persevered, eventually achieving success with the sitcom “Will & Grace.”

In a poignant moment, Debra emphasized her self-acceptance, proudly declaring her unique attributes and dismissing past criticisms.

Her encounter with the director years later served as a symbolic turning point, signifying her ability to move forward confidently without dwelling on past negativity.

Contrary to Debra’s claims, Alfonso’s representative refuted the allegations, stating they were inaccurate and denied any negative comments about her appearance.

Additionally, they clarified that the contentious n^de scene was ultimately removed due to objections raised by a Fox executive.