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  • Drake Faces Legal Trouble for Allegedly Using Hot Sauce in Condom

Drake Faces Legal Trouble for Allegedly Using Hot Sauce in Condom

As per reports from a gossip account named Too Much Hot Tea, Drake was involved with an unidentified Instagram model a few weeks back.

The allegations suggest that after they attended a party together, they proceeded to his hotel where they smoked weed and engaged in s**ual activity using a condom, which Drake later disposed of in the bathroom.

However, things took a bizarre turn when the woman confessed to having hidden intentions of getting pregnant.

She claimed to have retrieved the used condom from the trash can and attempted to inseminate herself with its contents, describing the experience as akin to “pouring hot lava into her private area.”

The woman further asserted that upon hearing her distress, Drake entered the bathroom and revealed that he had added a sachet of hot sauce into the condom as an unconventional method to neutralize the sperm.

Subsequently, she is now seeking legal action against the rapper.

In response to these allegations, Drake seemingly addressed the situation through a recent Instagram post accompanied by the caption, “You can have your 15 minutes of fame…I’ll take the other 23 hours and