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Elliot Page’s Revelations: Intimate Details with ‘Juno’ Co-Star Olivia Thirlby

In a surprising revelation, actor Elliot Page, aged 36, has disclosed a deep romantic involvement with his co-star Olivia Thirlby during the filming of the movie “Juno,” where he claims they engaged in intimate relations frequently.

In his recently published memoir titled “Pageboy,” Page describes being captivated by Thirlby from the moment he laid eyes on her, noting her maturity and poise despite being the same age.

He expressed being drawn to her s**ually and emotionally, despite feeling somewhat inexperienced compared to her.

The turning point came when Thirlby confessed her attraction to Page during a moment shared in her hotel room.

Page reciprocated these feelings, leading to a passionate encounter that ignited a new desire within him, marking a significant personal milestone.

Their connection deepened as they spent more time together, culminating in a physical relationship that extended beyond the set of “Juno.”

Page candidly reveals that their encounters were not limited to private spaces but occurred in various locations, believing their discretion was maintained.

Throughout their intimacy, Page found solace in Thirlby’s acceptance, shedding feelings of shame and embracing his identity without judgment.

Their bond provided a sense of liberation and understanding that he had long sought.

Although Page has been forthcoming about his experiences, Thirlby’s representatives have yet to respond to inquiries regarding their alleged relationship.

Notably, Thirlby, also 36, publicly identified as bisexual in 2011 and has been married since 2014.

Page’s disclosure adds another layer to his journey of self-discovery, having come out as gay in 2014 and later as transgender in 2020.

His memoir delves into various aspects of his life, including his emotional entanglements and struggles with societal expectations.

In a poignant recollection, Page recounts developing feelings for actress Kate Mara while working together on a film in 2014, navigating the complexities of love amidst existing relationships.

Furthermore, Page exposes a distressing encounter involving an unnamed A-list actor who attempted to invalidate his sexuality, showcasing the challenges faced by individuals in the LGBTQ+ community within the entertainment industry.

Despite encountering instances of discrimination and hostility, Page remains resilient and determined to share his story authentically.

His book tour across North America aims to inspire others and foster a greater understanding of diverse identities.

As Page continues to embrace his truth and advocate for inclusivity, his narrative resonates with those navigating similar paths, underscoring the importance of acceptance and self-empowerment in a world that often seeks to confine individuality.