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Elvis Presley’s Bedroom Secrets Revealed by Actress: Lessons in Pleasure

Elvis Presley, the iconic king of rock’n’roll, reportedly received a lesson in oral s** from actress Cybill Shepherd, his former flame.

According to Cybill, while Elvis was known for his prowess in the bedroom, he drew the line at this particular s**ual act.

The actress, who was just 22 at the time, had a brief romance with Elvis after gaining fame for her roles in ‘The Last Picture Show’ and ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ during the 1970s.

When Elvis learned that Cybill was in Memphis, he expressed a desire to meet her, leading to a romantic encounter where Cybill took it upon herself to educate the music legend on the finer points of oral s**.

In her autobiography ‘Cybill Disobedience,’ she candidly shared this intimate detail, remarking that teaching him was not a daunting task.

Despite their passionate connection, their relationship was short-lived, attributed by Cybill to Elvis’s dependency on prescription drugs.

Reflecting on her time with Elvis, Cybill described the experience as “mythic,” praising his physical appearance and captivating scent.

She also alluded to his warm-hearted and humorous nature, painting a multifaceted portrait of the legendary musician.

Cybill’s recollections offer a glimpse into a more personal side of Elvis, portraying him as both enigmatic and endearing.

Apart from Cybill’s revelations, Priscilla Presley, Elvis’s ex-wife, has also shed light on their intimate life.

Priscilla disclosed that Elvis refrained from engaging in s**ual relations with her following the birth of their daughter, and they abstained until marriage.

The contrasting dynamics of Elvis’s relationships with Cybill and Priscilla highlight the complexity of his personal life and romantic endeavors.

Cybill further shared insights into Elvis’s preferences, revealing his fondness for women wearing white undergarments.

Refusing to comply with this request, Cybill demonstrated her independence and asserted her own boundaries.

Additionally, she hinted at Elvis’s alleged inclination towards younger girls, drawing attention to his fascination with innocence.

This aspect of his persona adds a layer of intrigue to his romantic history, underscoring the nuances of his character.

The anecdotes shared by Cybill provide a unique perspective on Elvis Presley, offering glimpses of his vulnerabilities and idiosyncrasies.

Through her candid storytelling, she humanizes the music legend, showcasing his complexities beyond his public persona.

As a key figure in Elvis’s private sphere, Cybill’s accounts contribute to a richer understanding of the enigmatic star, capturing the essence of their brief yet impactful connection.

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