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Elvis Presley’s Controversial Relationships Unveiled by Women Who Dated Him

A recent documentary delves into the romantic encounters of Elvis Presley with nineteen women, shedding light on a darker side of the iconic King of Rock’n’Roll.

While many of his former flames still hold deep affection for him, it has been revealed that some of these relationships began when the women were just teenagers.

Alanna Nash, a renowned author who has extensively written about Presley, draws a striking comparison between the legendary singer and R Kelly, the American artist currently serving time for child s**ual abuse.

Nash reflects on how Elvis would face similar consequences in today’s society.

When Elvis met his future wife, Priscilla Presley, in Germany in 1959, she was merely 14 years old while he was a 24-year-old enlisted US soldier.

Despite their eventual marriage in 1967, this significant age gap has raised eyebrows over the years.

Currie Grant, a close friend of Elvis during his military service, recalls how Priscilla’s beauty captivated everyone, overshadowing her young age.

Grant highlights Elvis’ inclination towards younger women, suggesting that it stemmed from a desire for control in relationships.

The public scrutiny faced by singers like Jerry Lee Lewis, who infamously married his 13-year-old cousin, served as a cautionary tale for those around Elvis.

His stepbrother, David Stanley, expressed concerns about Elvis’ penchant for underage girls, acknowledging the potential legal repercussions he narrowly avoided.

Frances Forbes, who first met Elvis at the gates of his Graceland home at the age of 14, reminisces about the carefree times spent with the star.

She discloses Elvis’ preference for younger girls, citing his infamous saying “14 will get you 20” as a warning about the legal implications of such relationships.

Kay Wheeler, the founder of an Elvis Presley fan club at just 16, recounts a harrowing encounter where Elvis made unwanted advances towards her in a hotel room, leaving her feeling threatened and vulnerable.

Following his divorce from Priscilla, Elvis entered a relationship with Linda Thompson.

Reeca Smith, a young acquaintance of Elvis through David Stanley, shares her experience of being lavished with gifts by the star at the age of 14, emphasizing his nostalgic desire to relive innocence through their interactions.

Amidst these revelations, Linda adamantly defends Elvis, refuting claims of his predatory behavior and asserting his respect for women and knowledge of legal boundaries.

Despite the controversies surrounding Elvis’ relationships with underage girls, Priscilla maintains that her own connection with him during her teenage years was devoid of any inappropriate conduct, emphasizing his emotional vulnerability following his mother’s passing.

This documentary sheds light on Elvis’ intricate dynamics with women, particularly his close bond with his mother, Gladys.

The testimonies of various women offer a nuanced perspective on the enigmatic star, revealing the complexities of his personal relationships and the controversies that surrounded his romantic pursuits.