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Elvis Presley’s Struggles with Intimacy After Priscilla Became a Mother

Elvis Presley and Priscilla Presley’s romantic journey has captivated the public for decades.

Their story began in 1959 when they first met, but it wasn’t until May 1, 1967, that they exchanged vows.

Although the road to marriage was lengthy, the couple didn’t have to wait too long for the arrival of their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, born on Feb. 1, 1968, precisely nine months after their wedding.

Contrary to the initial passionate love life they shared, things took a different turn after Priscilla gave birth.

In her memoir, “Elvis and Me,” published in 1985, Priscilla disclosed that their intimate relationship dwindled significantly post-childbirth.

Sonny West, a close friend and bodyguard of Elvis, corroborated this in his book, “Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business,” released in 2007.

Priscilla and Elvis had initially fostered a deep connection

Meeting the 24-year-old Elvis in 1959 during his U.S. Army deployment in Germany, Priscilla engaged in a two-year long-distance romance with the iconic singer.

Their interactions involved photo exchanges, phone conversations, and romantic correspondence.

Priscilla recounted in her memoir that before Elvis returned to the U.S., she expressed a desire for intimacy, which Elvis declined due to her young age.

She recalled, “I begged him one last time to consummate our love.

It would have been easy for him to take advantage of me, being young and in love, but he declined, saying, ‘Not now, Priscilla.

Someday we will, but not yet.

You’re too young.'”

Upon moving to Graceland during her senior year of high school to be with Elvis, Priscilla maintained that they abstained from physical intimacy until their wedding night.

Prior to that, she mentioned how Elvis introduced her to various ways of satisfying him, including role-playing and fantasies.

Their marital life initially exuded passion and excitement.

Describing her s** life with Elvis as “passionate” and adventurous, Priscilla highlighted that Elvis sought heightened thrills, especially under the influence of potent substances.

However, their s**ual fervor waned soon after their union.

Learning about her pregnancy shortly after their nuptials, Priscilla contemplated abortion out of fear that a child might disrupt their bond, though they ultimately rejected the idea.

One of Priscilla’s concerns revolved around Elvis losing interest in her postpartum—a fear that materialized.

Before their marriage, Elvis disclosed his disinterest in mothers as romantic partners in general.

“He once mentioned to me that he struggled to engage with women who were mothers,” Priscilla wrote in her memoir.

Following Lisa Marie’s birth, Elvis, while a devoted father, found it challenging to view his wife in a sensual light.

Priscilla expressed her struggles during this period, feeling unfulfilled physically and emotionally.

West suggested that Elvis harbored reservations about intimacy with a mother

Reflecting on Priscilla and Elvis’s early years as a married couple, West speculated that Elvis categorized women into two groups: mothers and potential lovers.

While Elvis cherished Lisa Marie immensely, West believed Elvis didn’t view Priscilla in the same light.

Elvis seemed to prioritize Priscilla as a mother over a wife, exhibiting difficulties in fostering intimacy with her.

West proposed that Elvis’s deep attachment to his own mother, Gladys Presley, whom he revered as “pure,” hindered his ability to engage romantically with his wife post-motherhood.

“Gladys showered him with immense affection during his formative years, placing all mothers on a pedestal in Elvis’s eyes,” West asserted.

“The notion of intimacy with a mother was inconceivable to Elvis.”

Allegedly seeking gratification outside his marriage, Elvis reportedly sought solace in other women, while Priscilla engaged in brief liaisons with a dance instructor and a lengthier affair with karate instructor Mike Stone.

Their marriage ended in divorce after six years in 1973.

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