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**Emmy Rossum Reveals Shocking Audition Request: “Come in a Bikini”**

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Emmy Rossum, known for her role in Shameless, disclosed a disturbing incident she faced in the industry.

During a roundtable discussion alongside other prominent women in entertainment, Rossum opened up about an unsettling request made to her by a movie director.

Rossum shared that her agent contacted her about a significant movie offer, emphasizing the director’s unusual requirement.

Instead of a traditional audition, the director insisted on Rossum visiting his office in a bikini.

This request left Rossum feeling uncomfortable and disrespected, as it was essentially a body evaluation rather than an assessment of her talent.

The actress expressed her initial shock and disbelief at the audacity of the demand, highlighting the objectification and scrutiny women often face in the industry.

The incident sparked outrage among her fellow female colleagues present at the roundtable, showcasing solidarity against such demeaning practices.

Moreover, Rossum revealed the underlying motive behind the bikini request, which boiled down to questioning her physical appearance, particularly her weight.

She candidly shared her internal conflict at the time, contemplating the importance of the role versus compromising her dignity by complying with such degrading demands.

This disturbing encounter sheds light on the pervasive issue of sexism and objectification that many women encounter in their professional lives.

Rossum’s bold stance in recounting her experience underscores the necessity of confronting such instances of discrimination and advocating for respect and equality in the workplace.

Beyond this specific incident, Rossum has been vocal about the broader issue of s**ual harassment in the industry.

She emphasized how harassment can manifest subtly through inappropriate conversations or unwarranted discussions of a s**ual nature, creating discomfort and unease for the individual subjected to such behavior.

By speaking out about her encounters with harassment and discrimination, Rossum serves as a beacon of empowerment for others facing similar challenges.

Her courage in addressing these sensitive issues not only raises awareness but also sets a precedent for fostering a safer and more inclusive work environment for all individuals.

Rossum’s advocacy extends beyond personal experiences, encompassing larger systemic issues such as gender pay disparity and unequal treatment in the industry.

Her commitment to standing up for women’s rights and equality exemplifies a proactive approach towards effecting positive change and promoting a culture of respect and fairness in the entertainment sector.