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Eva Green Reveals Shocking Encounter with Harvey Weinstein

Eva Green recently disclosed feeling “shocked and disgusted” after an unsettling incident involving Harvey Weinstein, where she claims she had to fend off an inappropriate advance.

The revelation came to light following her mother’s discussion of the encounter in a French radio interview.

Green has now broken her silence on the distressing episode.

In a statement provided to Variety, the renowned actress from “Penny Dreadful” detailed how the unsettling interaction transpired during a business meeting with Weinstein in Paris.

Green asserted that she had to physically rebuff the disgraced Hollywood figure.

She admitted to staying silent initially to safeguard her privacy but felt compelled to speak up after hearing the harrowing experiences of other women linked to Weinstein.

Addressing the issue, Green stated, “I feel the need to clarify the remarks made by my mother in a recent interview concerning Harvey Weinstein.

Our encounter during a business discussion in Paris was marred by his inappropriate behavior, which led me to forcefully repel his advances.

Although I managed to evade further escalation, the entire ordeal left me deeply shaken and appalled.”

“I refrained from discussing this matter earlier to uphold my privacy, but I now realize the significance of shedding light on it, given the numerous accounts shared by other women.

Women are frequently criticized for speaking out, with their personal integrity called into question due to any associations they may have,” Green elaborated on her decision to come forward.

Expressing solidarity with the courage displayed by other women who have shared their stories, Green emphasized the prevalence of such misconduct beyond the entertainment realm.

She stressed that the misuse of power is a pervasive issue that must be addressed and eradicated from all spheres.

Green underscored the imperative nature of eliminating such reprehensible conduct from society.

Having appeared in films like “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For,” which