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Eva Mendes Dislikes Love Scenes on Set

Eva Mendes, known for her role alongside Ryan Gosling in the film “The Place Beyond the Pines,” has expressed her aversion to filming love scenes despite her romantic involvement with Gosling.

In an interview with Us Weekly, the 39-year-old actress revealed that portraying intimate moments on screen is a challenging experience for her.

Mendes stated, “Love scenes are awful.

Let’s just say that.

They’re always awkward.”

Despite her discomfort, Mendes praised her collaboration with Gosling, emphasizing how he elevated her performance.

She shared, “We knew each other for years before filming.

You can be friends with someone and not like how they work, but I respect him so much.

He certainly upped my game.”

Moreover, Mendes recently addressed the issue of being labeled as “s**y,” expressing her frustration with the limited perception of her identity.

She emphasized, “Being s**y is just one component of who I am – it’s a thing I can be.

It’s a side of myself I can tap into, just like I can tap into my funny side, my quirky side, or my dramatic side.

It’s not what I am.”

Mendes highlighted her multifaceted nature, asserting that her talents and character traits extend beyond physical attractiveness.

She stated, “I know I can do the kind of work where people are going to recognize me just as much for my determination, sensitivity, and humor as for being s**y.”

In summary, Eva Mendes’ candid remarks shed light on the complexities of performing love scenes, her professional growth through collaboration with Gosling, and her desire to be acknowledged for her diverse skills and qualities beyond superficial perceptions.