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Former Teen Model Alleges Steven Seagal s**ually Assaulted Her During Audition

A former teen model came forward on Monday, recounting an incident from 2002 where she was s**ually assaulted by Steven Seagal during a supposed casting session at a hotel in Beverly Hills.

Faviola Dadis, who was 17 at the time and aspiring to be an actress, shared her emotional testimony in Los Angeles, joining a group of women accusing the action star of s**ual misconduct.

During the audition, Dadis stated that Seagal reached under her bikini top, touched her nipples, and then proceeded to grab her genitals, leaving her deeply disturbed.

Overwhelmed with emotions, she disclosed how the traumatic experience led to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress, making it challenging for her to establish trusting relationships with men.

Having recently reported the incident to the police, Los Angeles prosecutors confirmed that they are reviewing Dadis’ case.

However, Seagal’s attorney, Anthony Falangetti, has not responded to requests for comments on the matter.

Dadis, now 33 years old and pursuing a doctorate in clinical neuroscience, revealed that she had just relocated to the U.S. from the Netherlands when she was introduced to Seagal by a music producer.

Following multiple conversations, Seagal invited her to a late-night casting session at a Beverly Hills hotel for a film project centered on Genghis Khan.

Accompanied by a family friend due to her mother’s concerns, Dadis found herself alone in a room with Seagal and his personal security guard.

As instructed by Seagal to wear a bikini under her attire, she described how he initiated physical contact under the guise of testing their on-screen chemistry, leaving her feeling violated and horrified.

Despite confiding in friends about the incident after a month, Dadis refrained from approaching authorities out of fear of repercussions within the entertainment industry.

She mentioned that Seagal attempted to contact her later on, but she declined to engage with him.

Motivated by the growing reports of s**ual misconduct within the entertainment realm, Dadis decided to speak out, citing actress Portia de Rossi’s revelation about Seagal’s inappropriate behavior during an audition.

Alongside her attorney, Lisa Bloom, Dadis shared her story at the news conference, where another woman, Regina Simons, detailed a similar encounter with Seagal in 1995.

The allegations against Seagal do not stop there, as actress Jenny McCarthy also claimed that he s**ually harassed her during an audition in 1995.

In response to these accusations, Seagal denied the claims made by the actresses and dismissed Simons’ account as fabricated on his social media platform.

As of now, there are no immediate plans for legal action, according to Bloom, signaling that the situation is still developing.