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Four Heartrending Lesser-Known Facts About Princess Diana’s Funeral 24 Years On

It has been two decades and four years since the world mourned the loss of Princess Diana during her impactful funeral, which saw approximately two million people lining the streets to pay their respects.

The ‘People’s Princess’ was laid to rest on September 6, 1997, following a public ceremony that involved a solemn procession from Kensington Palace to Westminster Abbey.

Despite the vast viewership of the funeral, there are some obscure details about the event that have gradually surfaced over the years, adding further sorrow to an already poignant day in history.

**William and Harry Were Advised Against Showing Emotion**

During the funeral, a poignant moment occurred when young Prince William and Prince Harry, aged 15 and 12 at the time, were observed alongside their father, Prince Charles.

Reports suggest that they were instructed by Prince Charles not to display any emotion.

It is said that an upset Harry was told by his father, ‘you don’t cry, you walk,’ as recounted in ITV’s documentary “Prince Harry’s Story: Four Royal Weddings.”

Both princes managed to maintain their composure throughout the nearly two-hour procession behind their mother’s coffin.

However, in later years, they have openly expressed how challenging it was to endure this heart-wrenching experience in front of a global audience.

**Diana Prepared Her Burial Attire Prior to Tragic Demise**

Before her untimely demise, Princess Diana had already selected her burial outfit.

She was interred in a black long-sleeve wrap-around dress designed by Catherine Walker, a garment she had ordered three weeks prior to her passing.

Accompanying her in eternal rest were rosary beads gifted to her by Mother Teresa, symbolizing the spiritual connections dear to her heart.

**Private Resting Place on a Family Island**

Originally intended for burial in the Spencer Family vault, Diana’s final resting place was relocated to a more secluded setting.

Despite the public ceremony at Westminster Abbey, her private interment occurred on an island situated in the center of Oval Lake, within the grounds of Althorp Park, the Spencer family estate.

Concerns arose that the anticipated influx of visitors to the family vault would be overwhelming, prompting this decision.

Although access to Diana’s grave is restricted, visitors can explore Althorp during specific periods, offering a view of the white memorial urn across the lake.

**Controversial Eulogy by Diana’s Brother**

At the funeral service, Diana’s brother, Charles Spencer, delivered a controversial eulogy that criticized both the Royal Family and the British media for their treatment of his sister.

He denounced the intrusive paparazzi and condemned the media’s disparagement of Diana, labeling her as “the most hunted person of the modern age.”

Spencer also advocated for his nephews, William and Harry, urging the Royal Family to allow them to lead authentic lives free from undue constraints.

Princess Diana’s life was tragically cut short in a fatal car accident in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris on August 31, 1997.

The incident also claimed the lives of her companion, Dodi Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul.