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George Takei Denies Allegations of s**ual Assault by Former Model in 1981

A former model and actor has come forward accusing George Takei of s**ual assault in 1981.

Scott R. Brunton, who was 23 at the time, alleges that Takei took advantage of him during a vulnerable moment.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Brunton shared his story, expressing how it has stayed with him over the years.

He described the incident as something he would recount among friends when sharing unusual life experiences, noting his current apprehension about revealing it publicly.

According to Brunton, the encounter took place in 1981 in Hollywood, where he was working as a waiter and aspiring actor and model.

He detailed how he met Takei at a bar, leading to subsequent interactions and ultimately an invitation to dinner and the theater from Takei after Brunton’s breakup.

During their time together at Takei’s condo, Brunton alleges that he felt disoriented and later found Takei groping him inappropriately.

Despite voicing his discomfort and refusal, Brunton claims Takei persisted until he managed to leave.

Several of Brunton’s longtime friends corroborated his account, stating that he had confided in them about the incident with Takei years ago.

However, Takei’s representative mentioned that he is currently unreachable for comment due to travel commitments in Japan and Australia.

In response to the allegations, Takei denied the events described by Brunton, asserting that he does not recall such an interaction.

He emphasized his values against non-consensual acts and expressed personal distress over the accusations.

Brunton revealed that he had contemplated sharing his story with the media for some time but felt doubtful about being believed.

His decision to speak out was influenced by the Harvey Weinstein scandal and Takei’s remarks on similar allegations involving Kevin Spacey.

Following Takei’s statements regarding the Spacey case, Brunton found his response infuriating and expressed a desire for an apology rather than anything else.

He highlighted his disappointment in feeling betrayed by someone he considered a friend.

As the situation unfolds, Takei’s husband, Brad, has stood by him, showing unwavering support amidst the controversy.

Despite the back-and-forth accounts, both parties maintain their positions, leaving the public to navigate a complex narrative from decades past.

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