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Gene LeBell made Steven Seagal sh*t his pants

Did Gene LeBell Really Cause Steven Seagal to Soil Himself?

Gene LeBell, a renowned figure in the martial arts world, has been linked to an intriguing incident involving the famous action star Steven Seagal.

The tale revolves around a supposed encounter between the two during the production of an Aikido documentary back in 1991.

According to the story, Seagal, known for his martial arts prowess and sometimes controversial behavior, allegedly boasted about his immunity to chokeholds.

LeBell, upon hearing this claim, decided to put it to the test.

As the narrative goes, LeBell initiated a chokehold on Seagal, who confidently gave the signal to proceed.

However, the outcome was unexpected – Seagal reportedly lost control of bodily functions, causing quite a stir among those present.

Despite the widespread speculation surrounding this incident, LeBell has neither confirmed nor denied the authenticity of the account, leaving room for continued speculation and curiosity within the martial arts community.

In a recent interview with award-winning MMA journalist Ariel Helwani, Gene LeBell was questioned about the alleged incident involving Steven Seagal.

When pressed about whether he choked out Seagal to the point of him having an accident, LeBell responded in a cryptic yet light-hearted manner, refraining from providing a direct confirmation or denial.

He emphasized the importance of not criticizing individuals under certain circumstances, hinting at a deeper understanding of the complexities of human interactions, especially in high-pressure environments.

Despite Seagal vehemently denying the entire episode as a fabrication orchestrated by LeBell, the controversy surrounding the incident persists.

Various accounts from witnesses, including stuntman Ron Balicki and martial artist Steven Lambert, challenge the validity of the story.

Lambert, a direct eyewitness to the alleged confrontation, refuted claims of Seagal experiencing such humiliation, stating that the situation was intense but did not result in the extreme outcome as rumored.

Lambert’s detailed recollection paints a picture of a heated exchange between Seagal and LeBell, culminating in a physical altercation that did not align with the sensationalized version of events circulating in the media.

His description highlights the tension and dynamics at play during the encounter, shedding light on the complexity of interpersonal relationships within the martial arts and