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Intimate Challenges: Angelina Jolie Opens Up About Filming Love Scenes with Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie recently shared her experience of shooting intimate scenes with her husband, Brad Pitt, in their movie ‘By The Sea,’ describing it as an unusual and challenging endeavor.

The Hollywood power couple, who exchanged vows last year, are playing the roles of a married couple in the film, adding a layer of complexity to their on-screen chemistry.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly magazine, the 40-year-old actress revealed the peculiar circumstances of directing and acting in love scenes with her spouse.

Jolie expressed how surreal it felt to be lying unclothed in a bathtub, watching the scene on an iPad, while instructing Brad to join her for a romantic moment, all under the gaze of a crew of male cameramen.

The filming process was not without its hurdles, as both Jolie and Pitt found themselves grappling with the discomfort of being physically vulnerable in front of the production team.

Pitt, 51, displayed his protective nature by ensuring Jolie’s modesty was preserved, taking on the role of “towel duty” to shield her from prying eyes on set.

Navigating such intimate scenes required a delicate balance between artistic freedom and personal boundaries.

Jolie shared how she faced a logistical challenge of not being able to leave the bathtub to review shots due to the director’s nudity, prompting Pitt to step in and cover her up, emphasizing his role as both a co-star and a husband.

Despite the inherent awkwardness of filming love scenes, especially with one’s real-life partner, Jolie highlighted the importance of maintaining a sense of humor on set.

She emphasized the need to acknowledge the absurdity of the situation and ensure that everyone involved felt at ease, fostering a light-hearted atmosphere amidst the emotional intensity of the scenes.

Reflecting on the unique dynamics at play during the filming process, Jolie underscored the mutual understanding she and Pitt shared, having a shared history and personal connection that