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January Jones’ Embarrassing Encounter with Producer Jerry Bruckheimer

Actress January Jones recently recounted a cringe-worthy experience during an audition where she was asked to pretend to pole dance for producer Jerry Bruckheimer.

The incident left her feeling humiliated and led her to swear off auditions in the future.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Jones revealed that the audition, only her second ever, took a surprising turn when Bruckheimer requested her to dance to Prince’s “Kiss” without an actual pole.

Recalling the uncomfortable moment, she admitted to feeling awkward as she tried to simulate pole dancing without the necessary prop, turning red in the face from embarrassment.

Despite delivering a solid acting reading beforehand, Bruckheimer bluntly pointed out her lack of rhythm after the failed dance attempt.

The actress was so mortified by the experience that she immediately called her agent to express her desire to quit auditioning altogether, deeming the ordeal as unbearable.

Although Jones has encountered Bruckheimer on subsequent occasions following the infamous audition, she mentioned that the producer does not recall the peculiar pole dance incident.

It seems that the embarrassing episode