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Jason Momoa Overcomes Financial Struggles Post ‘Game of Thrones’

Back in 1999, Momoa kickstarted his acting journey by landing a part on “Baywatch” following an open casting call held in Hawaii.

Initially attending with his cousins for casual reasons, he ended up discovering a new career path during that fateful event, as revealed in a recent interview with InStyle magazine.

Despite his eventual success, Momoa faced challenging times post his stint on “Game of Thrones.”

Recalling those days, he expressed, “We were struggling.

I was unable to secure any roles.”

His character on “Game of Thrones” met an early demise in the first season, a period preceding the show’s meteoric rise to fame.

Subsequently, Momoa encountered difficulties in meeting the financial obligations tied to his household, shared with his wife, Lisa Bonet, and their two children.

“It’s incredibly tough when you have young children and find yourself drowning in debt,” he shared.

Interestingly, financial woes are not exclusive to Momoa within the celebrity realm.

Following her global tour, The Monster Ball, spanning from 2009 to 2011, Lady Gaga found herself $3 million in debt despite her chart-topping success at the time.

Reflecting on that challenging phase, Lady Gaga humorously remarked, “I was clueless!

I reached out to everyone, questioning why rumors were circulating about my financial struggles.

This seemed absurd to me since I had five No.

1 singles.”

However, reality hit hard when she was informed about her substantial debt.

Nonetheless, Lady Gaga persevered and managed to steer herself out of financial turmoil.

Presently, she boasts an estimated net worth of $150 million, according to figures from Forbes.

In Momoa’s case, fortunes took a turn for the better.

Following his appearances in “Justice League” in 2017 and “Aquaman” in 2018, where he portrayed the lead role, his career trajectory shifted positively.

As per InStyle, his schedule is booked solid up to 2024, indicating a promising future ahead.

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