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Jealous Ex Burt Reynolds Snubs Sally Field at the Oscars

Sally Field recently shared insights into her past relationship with actor Burt Reynolds, revealing how his jealousy overshadowed her success at the Academy Awards in the 1980s.

Despite winning an Oscar for her role in Norma Rae in 1980, Sally faced resistance from her then-boyfriend, Burt Reynolds, who declined to accompany her to the ceremony.

This lack of support marked a significant point of contention between the couple.

In an upcoming book by Dave Karger titled 50 Oscar Night, Sally disclosed that Burt, who passed away in 2018, not only refused to attend the Oscars with her but also tried to dissuade her from going altogether.

Throughout the publicity campaign for Norma Rae, Sally noted that Burt exhibited a pattern of disapproval towards her growing critical acclaim, demonstrating a tinge of jealousy towards her success.

During an interview with People, Sally candidly expressed that Burt’s demeanor towards her during that period was less than pleasant, indicating his dissatisfaction with her achievements.

As the 1980 Oscars approached, Burt made it clear to Sally that he had no intention of accompanying her to the event, signaling his lack of support for her career milestones.

Prior to the premiere of Norma Rae at the Cannes Film Festival in 1979, Burt actively discouraged Sally from attending the prestigious event, casting doubt on her prospects of success.

Sally recalled his skepticism, quoting him as saying, “You don’t think you’re going to win anything, do you?”

Faced with the prospect of attending the Cannes Film Festival alone, Sally found unexpected companionship in actor David Steinberg and his wife Judy Marcione, who graciously offered to accompany her.

Their gesture transformed the experience into a joyous celebration, complete with a limousine ride and champagne, alleviating Sally’s initial apprehensions.

Reflecting on past events, Sally acknowledged the challenges she encountered due to Burt’s lack of support but found solace in the kindness and companionship extended to her by David Steinberg and Judy Marcione.