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Jennifer Aniston’s Innovative ‘Pillow Technique’ for s** Scenes Revealed

In the realm of filming intimate scenes, especially when it involves a longtime crush, Jake Gyllenhaal reminisces about the mix of discomfort and excitement he experienced while working on the 2002 movie “The Good Girl” alongside Jennifer Aniston.

In a recent interview on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM show, the actor reflected on the challenges and rewards of shooting intimate moments with Aniston.

He described it as a blend of torment and pleasure, highlighting a unique method they utilized to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

Gyllenhaal recollected the use of what he referred to as the “pillow technique.”

This preemptive approach was employed whenever they found themselves in a horizontal position during filming, particularly for scenes involving physical intimacy.

He recalled how their characters engaged in numerous kissing scenes in the back room on boxes in the movie set of “The Good Girl,” which depicted two disillusioned retail workers crossing paths in a small Texan town.

When questioned by Stern if the “pillow technique” was reminiscent of Lee Strasberg’s method acting techniques, Gyllenhaal credited Aniston for introducing the idea.

He mentioned that it was actually Jennifer’s thoughtful suggestion to place a pillow strategically during such scenes to make them more comfortable.

Prior to discussing the pillow technique, Gyllenhaal was asked about his previous infatuation with Aniston and whether he had addressed any potential issues before filming by jokingly mentioning his lack of control over physical reactions.

Despite the lighthearted reference to a possible “protrusion,” the actor emphasized the technical aspects of love scenes, highlighting the mechanical nature of such performances, especially with a large crew present.

Acknowledging the professional nature of their work, Gyllenhaal likened love scenes to a choreographed dance routine for the camera.

He emphasized the importance of meticulous planning and coordination, drawing parallels between love scenes and fight sequences that require careful choreography to ensure a seamless portrayal on screen.

For more insights into Gyllenhaal’s experiences and perspectives, viewers can refer to the video footage linked above.

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