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JFK’s Secret Notes: Revelations of Presidential Affairs and Fears Unveiled

In a fascinating series of revealing notes, John F. Kennedy’s intimate desires and anxieties over being exposed as an adulterer have come to light from the year 1960.

These candid reflections offer a unique glimpse into the inner workings of the presidential candidate during a pivotal moment in history.

Throughout the turbulent presidential campaign of 1960, JFK meticulously documented his innermost thoughts on 98 pages of notes, using them as a means to communicate when he lost his voice on the election trail.

In these private musings, Kennedy openly shared his concerns about his s**ual escapades and the potential repercussions they could have on his political career.

Married to his dark-haired wife Jackie since 1953, Kennedy candidly admitted his attraction to blondes, writing, ‘I got into the blondes’ in one note.

Expressing his fears of being exposed as an adulterer, he pondered, ‘I suppose that if I win my poon days are over,’ hinting at the end of his promiscuous adventures if he were to secure victory.

The most notorious affair linked to JFK was with the iconic film star Marilyn Monroe.

Reports suggest that their liaison culminated in a steamy night in Palm Springs in March 1962, followed by Monroe’s sensual rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ at his birthday celebration.

Despite the speculations surrounding their relationship, researchers believe this event marked the climax of their affair.

Intriguingly, Kennedy acknowledged the potential backlash his preference for blonde women could provoke if it became public knowledge before the election.

His apprehension about facing scrutiny over his personal life is evident in his notes, where he expressed concerns about being targeted by scandalous revelations.

Aside from his romantic entanglements, the notes also shed light on Kennedy’s volatile temperament and unfiltered language when referring to his rivals and the press.

Using colorful language and derogatory terms, Kennedy displayed a sharp wit and a penchant for blunt remarks, showcasing a side of him rarely seen in public.

Kennedy’s astute awareness of the racial tensions in America and their impact on his electoral prospects is evident in his writings.

Contemplating whether to address civil rights issues, he grappled with the delicate balance between political strategy and moral imperatives in a racially charged climate.

Stricken with laryngitis during the campaign, Kennedy resorted to communicating through written notes, a task overseen by Janet DesRosiers, who ensured his voice was preserved for critical speeches and interactions.

These yellow legal pad scribbles, long held by a private collector, offer a unique window into the mind of a president under immense pressure.

Now up for auction at Heritage Auctions in Dallas, Texas, these remarkable notes are expected to fetch $20,000, providing a rare opportunity to own a piece of history that unveils the complexities and vulnerabilities of one of America’s most iconic leaders.

As new revelations continue to surface about Kennedy’s romantic liaisons, his legacy remains intertwined with a web of secrets and controversies that have captivated the public imagination for decades.