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Julia Roberts Stands Firm Against On-Screen Nudity: A Closer Look at Her Bold Choice

In the realm of acting, portraying intimate scenes can present challenges that lead performers to set limits or voice concerns regarding such depictions.

Despite her extensive career in front of the camera, renowned actress Julia Roberts recently disclosed the genuine rationale behind her resolve to avoid disrobing in films.

At 56 years old, Julia has deliberately shied away from roles involving explicit content, opting for a fully clothed presence even in her memorable performance in Pretty Woman.

In a recent interview, she voiced her commitment to standing up for women who might feel pressured to expose themselves on screen.

When asked if she feels a duty to other women based on her on-screen choices, Julia explained, “My career has been family-friendly…

I’m not judging others, but I choose not to expose myself or be physically vulnerable in movies.”

She further revealed that her unwavering stance may have been influenced by an unexpected discovery related to a prominent feminist figure.

Julia disclosed that after delving into her family history with Dr. Henry Gates on Finding Your Roots, she made a surprising revelation, stating, “I share DNA with Gloria Steinem.” The Oscar-winning actress had previously expressed her aversion to nudity, citing concerns for her children’s well-being.

When questioned about the possibility of partaking in n^de scenes, she responded, “It’s not my forte, so any request would have to accommodate that.

As a mother of three, I prioritize that aspect.”

In 2002, Julia exchanged vows with cinematographer Danny Moder and later welcomed twins Hazel Patricia and Phinnaeus Walter in 2004.

Subsequently, they expanded their family with a son named Henry three years later.

Additionally, she attributed her youthful appearance to her husband’s influence.

Reflecting on the key to her looks, Julia shared, “Good genetics, living a fulfilling life, and—though it may sound cliché—I genuinely believe in the love of a supportive partner…

I think my husband’s affection and care contribute significantly to my profound happiness.”