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Kate Beckinsale Recounts Experience of Body-Shaming by Director Michael Bay

In a recent interview, Kate Beckinsale disclosed that over ten years ago, while working on the 2001 film Pearl Harbor, director Michael Bay made derogatory comments about her appearance.

During her appearance on the Graham Norton Show on Friday, May 27, the 42-year-old actress shared details about the director’s remarks.

Beckinsale stated, “I think he was puzzled by me because my bre-sts were not larger than my head and I was not a blonde.

After just having had my daughter and losing weight, I was informed that I needed to exercise if I wanted the role.

I couldn’t comprehend why a nurse from the 1940s would need to do that.”

Pearl Harbor, a romantic war drama featuring Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, and Cuba Gooding Jr., depicted the events of the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Despite its success at the box office and receiving four Academy Award nominations, the film garnered mixed reviews.

Beckinsale also revealed that Bay, 51, praised her male co-stars in interviews while belittling her.

She recalled, “When we were promoting the movie, Michael would talk about why he selected Ben and Josh, stating, ‘I have previously worked with Ben and adore him, and Josh exudes masculinity and is a fantastic actor.’

However, when questioned about me, he remarked, ‘Kate was not so appealing as to alienate female viewers.’

He repeated this narrative everywhere we went, and we traveled extensively!”

Megan Fox, another actress, had previously criticized Bay, likening him to historical figures such as Napoleon and Adolf Hitler in a 2009 interview.

Describing her experiences working with Bay, Fox stated, “He behaves like Napoleon and aspires to cultivate this notorious, insane persona.

He aims to emulate Hitler on his sets, and he does.

Working for him is a nightmare, but outside of the set and away from the directorial role, I find his personality intriguing because he is incredibly awkward.

He lacks social skills entirely.

It is charming to observe his vulnerability and fragility in real life, whereas on set, he is a despot.”