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Katie Holmes Alarmed by Surveillance Amid Scientology Concerns

Katie Holmes finds herself in a distressing situation, feeling like a captive within her own residence.

Sources close to the actress revealed to The Post that she is deeply troubled by the constant surveillance she is under by individuals associated with Scientology.

The renowned actress is currently sequestered in her Chelsea apartment, apprehensive about the possibility of her soon-to-be ex-husband, Tom Cruise, attempting to take away their daughter.

Law enforcement sources disclosed that Holmes expressed her fears of potential abduction to another resident in the building, prompting the neighbor to alert the police last Friday.

Although Holmes did not personally report the incident, and Cruise was reportedly far away in Iceland filming a movie, authorities were unable to intervene.

However, the management of Holmes’ upscale Seventh Avenue building has been alerted to watch out for Cruise or any unidentified individuals trying to gain access.

According to insiders, Holmes had foreseen this situation unfolding.

A close friend of the actress revealed that she felt immense pressure and coercion from Scientologists to maintain silence, which led her to secretly file for divorce from Cruise in Manhattan recently.

A group of burly armed men stationed themselves in a white Cadillac Escalade outside Holmes’ residence, surveilling individuals and inquiring about their identities.

Police officers eventually arrived in a marked NYPD squad car to investigate the suspicious activity around the SUV, which bore Tennessee license plates.

Despite denying any association with Holmes, the mystery men left after being scrutinized by law enforcement.

Contrary to speculations, representatives of Cruise asserted that the guards were not employed by the actor, and a Scientology attorney informed TMZ that the church was not monitoring Holmes.

Throughout the day, Holmes and her daughter, Suri, remained out of public view, with reports indicating that Holmes aims to distance Suri from Cruise’s Scientology associates.

Having been raised Catholic in Ohio, Holmes allegedly desires full custody of Suri to shield her from potential indoctrination into Scientology.

Sources suggest that Holmes’ decision stems from her dissatisfaction with the religion, which she adopted during her marriage to Cruise but later rejected due to her reservations about its influence on her daughter.

In a strategic move, Holmes discreetly relocated with Suri to the Chelsea apartment while Cruise was abroad, preparing for her separation from the high-profile actor.

Meanwhile, Cruise was spotted working on his movie set in Iceland, as Holmes confided in her neighbor about her apprehensions regarding his return to New York.

Holmes’ friend emphasized her determination to prevent Scientology from dictating Suri’s upbringing, highlighting her unwillingness to allow external influences to shape her child’s future decisions.

Notably, previous spouses of Cruise, including Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman, reportedly faced challenges related to the church’s control over their relationships.

As the public awaits further developments in this unfolding saga, it remains evident that Holmes is steadfast in her resolve to navigate her divorce from Cruise while safeguarding her daughter’s well-being.

With a prenuptial agreement in place, Holmes stands to receive substantial financial compensation upon the dissolution of her marriage, ensuring her financial security and independence moving forward.